Related: About this forumSeeing fewer and fewer people wearing long is this going to go on?
Can't wait til the warmer weather gets here so we can avoid going indoors! Lately it just seems I'm the only one wearing a KN95 church, shopping in a store, at the hair dresser, etc.
There always were other mask wearers about but now I'm usually the only one and then you get THOSE looks!
We used to take little trips to resort towns in rural Illinois or Wisconsin now we're thinking maybe not. Our world is just so much smaller now. I know we are lucky we have managed to avoid Covid but it just seems like there is never going to be an end to it and its just depressing.
..So mad at those people who refused to get vaccinated!

(52,670 posts)zeusdogmom
(1,077 posts)I am out and about - church, choir, band, shopping, eating out with friends, yoga class, hanging with grandchildren and other kids, even took a trip on an airplane. People around me have had covid. I have stayed healthy - one minor cold. And yes I did do a covid test (several) to make sure it was just a cold. 75 and vaccinated. I decided I cannot live in fear of catching something. But everyone makes their own decision. No judgments. You do you, I do me.
Mister Ed
(6,500 posts)Right after so strongly implying that those who wear masks are "living in fear?"
(17,289 posts)I'm willing to listen to what my government officials are telling me regarding what I should do to be a safe and viable member of an open society. I have had EVERY vaccine that has been suggested, I do still spend time with washing and watching how much 'close' contact I have - and I've NOT had COVID.
It is wonderful to be able to actually 'believe' what your government tells you - something 'missing' in the past mis-administration......
(14,418 posts)The OP was upset about other people not masking indoors like they do.
(17,289 posts).....if they tell me I should - damned straight I will - unless I can get some of that 'tRump Bleach' injected!
(14,418 posts)They aren't doing anything wrong by not wearing them
(17,289 posts)one should NOT assume (well, you know THAT old line......) that just because they are not wearing a mask MEANS they've been vaccinated - maybe they have - or maybe not. But don't give me dirty looks just because I'm NOT wearing one - I DID get all of them!
Maybe we should have lapel pens looking like hypo-needles - you know, like the AR-15 lapel pens. That way everybody would know that we are true Americans!
(95,908 posts)I wear a mask when inside stores and offices, don't care what they think. The increase in infections is also still killing some of those infected. Last month, my therapist got it and I had isolate and test. I still wear a mask, I see a few people in the stores are too but not many.
(17,289 posts)and you are indeed pointing out something critical - we DO need 'updates' regarding current conditions. When we think back to the Homeland Security 'CODE WARNINGS' (whatever-the-hell each color was to tell us!) - it would be nice to know if conditions are improving or lessened - and letting us evaluate our responses to those conditions.
I have NO problem with people wearing masks - in fact, I applaud them. They are watching out for themselves AND those around them. We should have a "societal agreement" that we will all work for the betterment of ALL - and if you're wearing a mask for YOU AND ME - Love 'ya (and if it's 'just for you' - that's OK too!) ((Uh-oh - I think that I just eliminated a 'certain' political party - you know, asking for 'someone' working for the 'betterment of all!'))
(95,908 posts)Asking the magats around me to do anything for anyone besides themselves. I get fewer stupid looks though.
It's interesting, a lot people just give me the sidelook but eventually we pass each other in an aisle. I always smile and politely say, "excuse me" is I pass in front of them while they search a shelf. They usually smile back and are nice thereafter. People wearing masks seem to be relieved to see others wearing them too. We get a lot of tourist traffic year round so it's interesting to see who wears masks.
I just never stopped wearing them. This week, though, the county health whateverhertitleis made PSAs about it. The state is not keeping track anymore and has diligently been trying to destroy the DPHHS and every authority it has since they came into office.
They tell us we're on our own.
(2,809 posts)As a healthcare giver, mask wear largely considered a socially responsibe act. I had a bout of COVID just before it began official count, but that's another story. I was mostly recovered when this happened:
Wearing my mask, scanning my purchases at Walmart, I heard a guffaw in my direction from a Duck-Dynasty looking guy behind me in line. Soon as I looked at him he chortled; "You think that mask is protectin' you from sumthin'? Har Har Har Har..."
"This isn't about protecting me."
Oh do I wish I had the checkout surveillance video of the sudden awakening shocked look that washed over big beard's face as he backed his young entourage away to a safe distance from me.
(95,908 posts)When I have to convince idiots that they should just back away. But I'm really glad that is a truly rare event anymore. The locals have seen me around for long enough that they know I'm not a threat to anyone so they leave me alone.
Peregrine Took
(7,567 posts)2naSalit
(95,908 posts)Tetrachloride
(8,608 posts)I just go into Wisconsin Kwik Trips for fruit and croissants. Low contact. ))
Response to Peregrine Took (Original post)
traitorsgalore This message was self-deleted by its author.
(27,427 posts)a fourth to a third of people I see in stores are masked.
I no longer mask. Vaccinated and double boosted.
I also happen to be the very healthiest person I know. Never get sick. Don't do the flu vaccine, and last had flu some 50 years ago. I am not about to suggest someone else not get the vaccine. But honestly, if everyone were as healthy as I am, most doctors would have to find new jobs, and most hospitals would shut down.