Related: About this forumMy friend tripped on rough pavement and fell Sunday
I went to stay with her Monday and Tues. She is bruised from head to foot, had to have stitches in both knees. She is a trasnplant survivor, and takes care of herself. I felt like she was recovering from the fall, and the injuries. She had an appt. with her regular dr. yesterday, and I drove her to that. He was noncommital about her injuries, but will take the stitches out in about 10-12 days.
I am appalled that no one helped her when she fell. She got up on her own, and had blood on her face and legs, scrapes on hands and arms. She went in to the restaurant she was planning to have lunch at, and patched herself up. The staff gave her some tape. Other than that, no help. She drove herself to the hospital. She walked through the hospital, and no one gave her any assistance. She was finally put in a cubicle, so she wasn't exposed to ill people (the anti-rejection drugs make her very vulnerable to infection). She was in e.r. for 14 hours. She called her neighbors and they really stepped up to the plate. They drover her car home and then drove her home when she was released from e.r. at 2 a.m. My friend and I are in our 70s. The helpful neighbors are in their 70s. Maybe my friend just had bad luck that there wasn't a good Samaritan around. By the time I saw her Monday, she looked like she'd been hit by a bus, but even on Sunday, had I seen a stranger bleeding and hurt, I would've stopped to help. At least ask if they needed help. She would have helped someone in her situation.

Faux pas
(15,570 posts)
(38,616 posts)Im sort of a klutz all my life but now that Im in my 70s every fall could mean something breaks. And I come very close sometimes. I sure hope your friend gets better soon
(20,229 posts)Luckily she didn't break anything, wasn't concussed. By the time I left, she was very mobile. We fixed some food, and talked out heads off. I felt like she was doing well, improving rather than no change or getting worse. We started a morning circle when Covid started, and text every morning, too.
I hear you about falling. I keep all of my rooms and steps clear, and make sure I'm holding the stair rail. We installed rails in the bathroom for my Mom and really glad they are still in place. And also, a o.t. came out and assessed any risks for my Mom when she was with us, and I have adhered to their suggestions ever since. I turn a light on, or make sure where I'm walking is visible. So far, so good :/
(114,019 posts)And saddening.
Wishing her a quick recovery.
Polly Hennessey
(7,732 posts)compassion and common sense.
(54,505 posts)Marthe48
(20,229 posts)The area is upscale, the place she was visiting has a collection of trendy businesses around an old rail station. I've been there, and it is pleasant, not too big for older folks to browse without getting worn out.
(35,071 posts)a lawyer.
(20,229 posts)
(27,427 posts)I had a trip and fall about three weeks ago that resulted in a minor compression fracture of my left arm and a sprain of my right wrist. My sister was with me when I fell, and a nearby man immediately came over to help me up.
I went down flat on my face, but apparently got both hands in place to keep me from breaking teeth or my nose. I'm 75, and occasionally break something. Sigh.
Every two or three or four years I break a toe, and a few weeks ago I was thinking that I hadn't broken one in some time, and so was overdue. Sure enough a few days later I broke the little toe on my right foot, and the next day the next to little toe on my left foot. Then the broken arm. I just hope the breaking bone gods are done with me for the rest of my life.
(20,229 posts)Glad you had immediate help. My friend didn't break anything, but she got bruised all over. I'm glad her neighbors came out and helped her.
Here's to a quick healing of your arm and your toes. I don't even know how you find a position to sleep without pain!
(27,427 posts)And I got a prescription for hydrocodone, which I only needed to take 6 of the 24 pills. After the first couple of days I took an occasional tylenol. I've been scheduled for physical therapy, which I don't need at all by now. I'll go to the first appointment, just to verify that. I've regained full mobility and range of motion in that arm.
I really do heal quickly, especially given my age.
And it's not as though I'm someone who exercises regularly, either.
(20,229 posts)