African American
Related: About this forumWHY VOTE?

Me, I VOTE always, period.
Because I am voting for a Supreme Court that will protect and advance Civil Rights, Voting Rights, Women's Reproductive Rights, Environmental Rights, Union Rights, a chance to repeal Citizen's United, and safeguard Affirmative Action. These things do matter, even if not to you personally, to others who are at the mercy of what might happen if a GOP gets into the WH while also having a Majority GOP congress. The Next President will replace 2-3 Justices, so it is a BFD!
I vote for those who need food stamps, Social Security (that will be privatized otherwise), health care (for those who can't afford it otherwise), Pell grants, Planned Parenthood, Public Education (that they want to privatize and give out some vouchers, good luck with that), and for regulations that reign in corporations and safeguard our well being. If you think of what happened in Flint, just remember that it took a Federal agency to get the lead out of paint!
My vote is not based on friendship, nor do I vote because someone says everything I agree with. I do not for purity or else, and I certainly do NOT NOT vote because I'm pissed, because if I don't vote, far as I'm concerned, I forfeit the right to complain when we all are wandering in the desert till the end of this century.
Some folks can afford not to vote, cause their parents has them set, but many more cannot afford such a luxury.
I remember during the 10 years after the Civil War, they had Reconstruction, and Black folks were voting and Black folks were being elected to congress. What happened? The vote was taken away from Black folks, and Reconstruction although part of history was all but erased from the history books. I do not want to see that happen to the First Black President's 8 years, just because some folks wanted a BFF to vote for, or else they were gonna have a tantrum!
But look, For those who do NOt want to vote, then DON'T vote. It is always possible at some point, you won't be able to even if you want to. That's what the wrong Supreme court can do for you!
So, Peace, Love and VOTE while you still can!

(229,177 posts)I've always voted and annoy others with the point that they should, not only because it's important, but because others died so I could have that right. And it wasn't that long ago, in my grandmother's lifetime... History is important.
(68,868 posts)It ain't perfect, but I certainly am grateful every day of been given the right to live here, as opposed to some place where even having a pair shoes is luxury, and finding clean drinking water is a full-time job! Sometimes I think we just take things for granted, thinking that things will always be as they have been, but that's not necessarily always going to be the case! That part's on us!
(229,177 posts)That I'm lucky to live here and though life isn't perfect, it is pretty good. I could have been born in Somalia or Syria or Saudi Arabia or in any one of a number of places where merely survival is as good as it gets...
(68,868 posts)It's like hitting the lotto, literally!
(27,561 posts)TreasonousBastard
(43,049 posts)voting is not an individual act but a social act. My one vote may or may not count for much, but the thousands, or millions, of other votes that join it certainly do.
Democracy is not perfect by any means-- we get lousy candidates, stolen elections, and all sorts of other problems with it, but it is still the most enduring form of governing around.
But it won't work at all if we don't use it.
brer cat
(26,816 posts)It has been appalling to see people on this democratic forum calling for the disenfranchisement of voters in Southern states. The opinion (vote) of a teenager in Atlanta or a 106 year-old woman from Columbia shouldn't be allowed in the primaries because they are outnumbered by republican voters in the GE??? Some democracy these people believe in.
(1,254 posts)There is no such thing as not voting. A missing vote has repercussions. It has an impact that registers an outcome. It helps someone win and someone lose. This will be one of the most important elections is US history. The next President will replace two to three, maybe four SCOTUS judges. We can't afford to allow the GOP to make any more gains and stack the court. It will result in the UNDOING of ALL advances made in social justice in this country in the LAST CENTURY. The GOP will dismantle ALL advances made in civil rights, employment, gender discrimination and environmental protections. One election can set this country back for decades to regain the damage the GOP will impose on this country. Getting the country back will be like trying to survive getting stuck in quicksand.
(177,323 posts)Although she voted for President Obama twice (and Bush Jr. twice), she doesn't like any of the candidates this year. She even said she might write in my name. I'm hoping that if the Republicans do nominate Trump, she changes her mind and votes for the Democrat. And she will vote in the other races. I don't really understand that mindset, but I'm the political one and she never has been.
I always vote and my reasons are very similar to yours.
(11,833 posts)Outstanding. Some republicans have even been saying lately stuff like 'there's no need for the Supreme Court.' That's seriously messed up. I too love history. I learn more about today from reading history & watching documentaries than I do from watching the endless conflicts of cable tv 'news.'
In this country, as in most, progress occurs when good people vote. When good people don't vote, things regress. And if we can learn anything from history it's that no matter how bad you think things are now, they can get much worse if you don't exercise your right to vote. Use it or lose it!
(22,336 posts)There is way too much at stake.