African American
Related: About this forumI took the time to make this post, because y'all get on my fucking nerves.
Last edited Fri Oct 7, 2016, 10:32 PM - Edit history (1)
October 7, 2016
I used to wonder why people clung to the black on black crime myth like there wasnt evidence to directly contradict them, but then I remembered that cognitive dissonance is a real and very scary thing, and if they as racists can do the mental gymnastics needed to justify the murder of unarmed black and brown people at the hands of the police, because it really all boils down to wanting to see us dead anyway, they will.
Were sick of explaining to you that WE DO care about the crime in our communities. Were sick of mapping out how we take up action within our communities.
Were sick of this fucking trope.
Let me explain something to you about rhetoric. It snitches on y'all regularly.
The fact that youre ignorant enough to even bring up BOBC as a rebuttal to us asking not to be unjustly murdered at the hands of the police tells me that youre privileged enough to have never spent time in the communities that youre speaking on.
1) If black people care about black lives, why dont they care about black-on-black crime
The first thing to ask is why do we expect black people to pick between the two?
For the most part, black civilians who shoot and kill and terrorize other black civilians are caught, arrested, prosecuted and sent to jail.
They are punished for their crimes.
Outside of a few exceptions, the same cannot be said of cops who target black civilians.
Black people are hardly oblivious of the crime within their communities. According to polling, African Americans are concerned about and organize against the crime that exists in their neighborhoods. The roots of crime in the black community are structural. Crime is caused by socioeconomic factors rather than cultural pathologies or inherent criminality, despite what peddlers of the black criminality myth would have you believe. Many studies have shown that poverty and inequality contribute greatly to crime and other social ills.
This argument that black protesters dont care about black death unless it is caused by police officers is also demonstrably false.
Fucking. Google. It.
More examples than y'all wish to acknowledge exist🙃
In August 2015, Fox News tried to smear protesters in Ferguson by claiming theyd marched when a black man was shot by police, but not when a 9-year-old black girl, Jamyla Bolden, was killed by a stray bullet in her own neighborhood.
In reality, crowds of protesters gathered outside Boldens family home to pay tribute to the slain child. Photos of the event spread across the internet.
Its literally #1
1. The movement doesnt care about black-on-black crime. The idea that black-on-black crime is not a significant political conversation among black people is patently false. In Chicago, long maligned for its high rates of intraracial murder, members of the community created the Violence Interrupters to disrupt violent altercations before they escalate. However, those who insist on talking about black-on-black crime frequently fail to acknowledge that most crime is intraracial.
Why dont you address the problem with Black On Black Crime?
Lets be clear: There is no such thing as Black-On-Black Crime. It is a catch phrase. A trope. Almost all victims of violent crime are victimized by someone they know. White people hurt White people and Black people commit crimes against Black people. Almost every study shows the biggest predictors of violence are socioeconomic status and the relative segregation of the offenders neighborhoods. When white men shoot up movie theaters or college campuses, it is never categorized as White-on-white crime even though 84% of the white victims of murder are killed by white people. Even though 53% of gang related murders are committed by whites.
There are huge problems with black-on-black crime as a construct, mostly dealing with the banality of intra-racial crime, the foolishness of attributing violent criminality to blacknessrather than particular conditions faced by some black peopleand the injustice of treating all blacks as criminally suspect because of the actions of a small minority.
First, a little context: In the last 20 years, weve seen a sharp drop in homicide among blacks, from a victimization rate of 39.4 homicides per 100,000 in 1991 to a rate of roughly 20 homicides per 100,000 in 2008. Likewise, the offending rate for blacks has dropped from 51.1 offenders per 100,000 in 1991 to 24.7 offenders per 100,000 in 2008. This decrease has continued through the 2010s and is part of a largerand largely unexplainednational drop in crime.
We dont care about our own communities?
You may not have noticed black protests against crime, but that doesnt mean they havent happened.
Beyond the data, theres the anecdotal evidence. And in short, its easy to find examples of marches and demonstrations against crime. In the last four years, blacks have held community protests against violence in Chicago; New York; Newark, New Jersey; Pittsburgh; Saginaw, Michigan; and Gary, Indiana. Indeed, theres a whole catalog of movies, albums, and sermons from a generation of directors, musicians, and religious leaders, each urging peace and order. You may not have noticed black protests against crime and violence, but that doesnt mean they havent happened. Black Americanslike everyone elseare concerned with what happens in their communities, and at a certain point, pundits who insist otherwise are either lying or willfully ignorant.
Ya sure that its not just YOU that doesnt care?
All violence and crime is about proximity, Carla Shedd, assistant professor of sociology and African-American studies at Columbia University and author of Unequal City: Race, Schools and Perceptions of Injustice, said in an interview. Calling it black-on-black crime is an unnecessary specification.
Blaming the crime problem on black people is unfair and ill-founded. On one hand, according to FBI homicide data, African Americans commit more homicides than other racial groups. In 2013, there were 5,375 black homicide offenders versus 4,396 who were white and over 4,000 whose races were unknown. However, that is a very small percentage of the national black population, which is over 40 million people. The vast majority of black people do not commit any crimes.
The argument is a logical fallacy: How black people treat each other has nothing to do with whether police should be able to kill them with impunity. Whats more, intraracial violence is about as common among white people as it is among black people. Per Politifact, black murder victims were killed by black perpetrators about 91% of the time from 2009 to 2013, according to FBI data; white victims were killed by white perpetrators about 83% of the time.
Its so wild to me that the All Lives Matter crowd is full of the same people that like to scream about BOBC, yet theres plenty of evidence of BLM speaking on and even protesting for white victims, and absolute silence from ALM.
<a href=></a>
<a href=></a>
6y/o Jeremy Mardis can also be added to this list along with many more.
White people kill each other just as much, but WOWC is never thrown in their faces to justify it or say that they deserve it.
In 2011, the most recent year for which data is available, 2,630 white people killed 3,172 white people, according to FBI homicide statistics. When comparing that to the black population, in which 2,447 African-Americans murdered 2,695 of their own, white-on-white murder is clearly the bigger issue.
White people are the largest demographic in the United States, and as a result, commit more crimes than any other race, largely against other white people. 2010 crime statistics from the FBI confirm that whites lead blacks by 2-1 in arrests, and lead all other ethnicities by 2-1 in incidents of forcible rape (66.3 percent of rapes were committed by whites, while 31 percent were committed by blacks). White people also lead black people by 2-1 in larceny-theft: 64.8 percent of thieves are white, while only 31.9 percent of thieves are black.
Vulnerable populations are generally defined as children and the elderly. Family members and significant others are also often targets of homicide, rather than random victims. FBI homicide statistics from 1980 to 2008 show that white people are, by the numbers, far more likely to kill children and the elderly than any other race. Additionally, white people commit more sex-related and gang-related homicides than any other race.
White men are literally the biggest terroristic threat to the entire country.
But more white people die at the hands of the police! Yes, and no. Also, why doesnt that make you fucking mad? Why do you spend your time arguing with us about why were angry? Also, this same trope has been debunked by statistics time and time again.
ALSO, please look up suicide by cop, and please realize how this plays into the numbers.
1. Almost all suicide by cop victims were white males (over 90%).
Also, were going to address this one last time.
If this is ever your source, youre stupid, youre misinformed, and youre racist. Period.
The Color of Crime, a booklet by white separatist Jared Taylor, uses faulty analysis in its claims that whites are overwhelmingly victimized by blacks.
Around the nation, white supremacists and their fellow travelers are brandishing copies of a 1999 booklet that purports to show that whites have every reason to be terrified of blacks. For people from former Klansman David Duke to an array of neo-Confederates, The Color of Crime: Race, Crime and Violence in America has become a kind of Bible that shows them that they were right all along.
Mistaking Poverty for Race
But Taylor is plainly, demonstrably wrong.
Taylor uses an incredibly simplistic analytical method that flatly ignores the fundamental conclusion of decades of serious criminology: Crime is intimately related to poverty. In fact, when multivariate statistical methods such as regression analysis are used, study after study has shown that race has little, if any, predictive power.
We shouldnt have to keep having this conversation. We shouldnt have to go through these lengths for y'all to stop believing that we should die.
Also, y'all can bitch and moan about the sources, and how theyre somehow biased because they put to bed all the lies y'all like to believe, but that will never change the fact the numbers and data that they hold are just that. Fact🙂
In conclusion, if y'all spent more time looking at facts rather than racist bullshit to justify your racism, we could get so much further.
Edit: This is the author's work, not mine. Please contact the writer at the link with kudos.

(1,048 posts)That shit gets on my fucking nerves too!!!!
Bernardo de La Paz
(52,827 posts)The article glosses over some statistics making overall numeric comparisons without attention to rates.
Even so, when all the factors are included such as socio-economics then the writer's position gets even stronger.
In my view, wealth and income inequality are not fully recognized as the big problems they are; especially under-recognized by the privileged few. It leads to many kinds of distortions of the social fabric.
This comic is not posted as the jpg, but rather as an editable link because it is not directly about crime and because of its large size, but it is very apropos, I think. There is a thin line between working hard just to be poor and getting pushed into crime by money that seems easy. http:// Join the two parts to get the whole "On A Plate" comic in one big vertical image or click here to get it in pieces
brer cat
(26,816 posts)I'm white and I hear about BOBC and ALM until it makes me sick. This contains many points I can use for rebuttal instead of slapping them in the face which is what I really want to do. The ignorance about racism is appalling, and white fragility is alive and well so white people need to do something about it.
(4,542 posts)BlancheSplanchnik
(20,219 posts)To attack and deny reality.
This is a great post and definitely worth re-reading.
(18,124 posts)IF they are looking for freedom from their particular willful ignorance on this subject.
(24,039 posts)Bookmarked for later
(22,336 posts)Awesome.
Spitfire of ATJ
(32,723 posts)shadowmayor
(1,325 posts)When my old winger friends trot out the All Lives Matter cry I simply call BS on their views. I don't believe these people actually give two shits about all lives. Do the lives of North Koreans matter? How about Iraqis? Yemeni and Sudanese people? Do people on death row have lives that matter? How about Syrian lives? American Native lives? Wadda buncha of bullshit these people spout.
They just don't want to talk about problems they don't care about. It's like the news always spewing shit about the "middle" class while completely ignoring the poverty class in this country. I too, am fed up with this crap and am convinced that a giant swath of America is filled with people bathed in ignorance and fear with a terminal case of authoritarian knee-bending. And they can kiss my ass!
Wounded Bear
(61,437 posts)progressoid
(51,046 posts)N_E_1 for Tennis
(11,314 posts)LaydeeBug
(10,291 posts)TygrBright
(21,047 posts)Makes perfect sense
(21,991 posts)Last edited Fri Oct 7, 2016, 03:28 PM - Edit history (1)
i get it. white girl guilt. well, i am pleased w/ my coming minority status. i so miss integration. shit. i used to have black friends. i never asked to touch their hair by the way.
i am SO PROUD of YOUR and our 1st black president. the absence of change is not HIS fault, but the racist GOP BULLSHIT for 8 years. i am good at hearing dog whistles too.
oh, and black lives matter.
(90,087 posts)Thank you MrScorpio.
(31,443 posts)
Coolest Ranger
(2,034 posts)thank you, thank you, thank you
raging moderate
(4,552 posts)Last edited Sat Oct 8, 2016, 12:32 PM - Edit history (1)
These racist white people always pick a moment when there is no time to think up something. I will memorize your phrases so I can say something fast enough to count.
(37,549 posts)lostnfound
(16,869 posts)Is that so many people, especially black people, are murdered by unknown assailants who never get caught.
At least, here in Chicago, over 80% of murders are never solved, no suspect arrested. They actually record that the race of the assailant is unknown. So I don't know where people conclude anything, with those horrendous statistics. And frankly, as horribly abuaive as the Chicago cops have demonstrably been ("black site" interrogations in an old Sears warehouse), it would not surprise me if..
This issue has got my attention. I feel as adults in our society, we are all responsible for making it better, and this problem is at the top of the list.
(42,594 posts)mountain grammy
(27,566 posts)Great post!
(66,252 posts)Todays_Illusion
(1,209 posts)thank you and I agree and I am also sick to death of this f*cking conservative lie.
They never mention all that white on white crime which is downright excessive in my view.
(39,854 posts)such work.
What you do here is how America is supposed to work beyond partisan bickering.
Nothing shows more care for suffering fellow Americans than the help you provide here to clean up the mental environment.
(62,563 posts)gregcrawford
(2,382 posts)... I'm with you 110%.
marble falls
(63,544 posts)Number23
(24,544 posts)lovemydog
(11,833 posts)And k & r for this too!