African American
Related: About this forum"African American"
Last edited Fri Oct 28, 2016, 08:20 AM - Edit history (1)
I don't care for this label. Not the label of this group but society's use of the term.
In my mind it conjurs up someone who is new here from a foreign continent.
It sounds separate to me.
Less inclusive.
I guess you could say I'm "European American" then? (I'm white)
I'm interested in thoughts in favor of this term since I probably am not looking at this from all sides.

(4,672 posts)When I was a kid I remembered meeting a white family who had moved here from South Africa. They were really nice. Great family. But I thought it was odd that they referred to themselves as African. I've lost touch with them over the decades but I have no doubt they still refer to themselves as African today. technically they are more African American than I am as black american. It honestly wouldn't shock me if they even check African American on their census form. And they would be justified in doing so.
BTW... that white family from South African new more about Africa and loved Africa more than any American black family I have ever met.
(34,495 posts)One other post back here in the past two years (was mid september) to challenge a regular participant.
Questioning the VERY name of the Group.
(34,495 posts)SHRED
(28,136 posts)I edited the post for clarity.
(34,495 posts)Black or African American - doesn't bother me.
If we are talking:
Folks - let's make this an issue! Let's fight it all the way to SCOTUS and get it changed on the Census and forms!
I'm not going to do that. I have bigger issues - Personal safety, fair treatment by health care providers, ensuring the children/millenials in my family don't lose hard fought civil liberties and rights, making sure my home isn't re redlined, etc. etc.
Either one beats 'colored' or 'n-bomb' ya know?
(23,340 posts)Most black people I know don't care all that much about the terminology. They care about the big issues.
We have both African-Americans, and Africans in this area. The two are not confused.
How dare I.
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)here?
(535 posts)Come into a safe place for African Americans , trying to be an ally(???), state your opinion on us and get defensive when 1 AA doesn't give you the response you want to hear because that's how you learn "from all sides".
(28,136 posts)..."up to me".
I found that offensive.
(5,417 posts)At least until they tell they prefer something else. I have no issue if somebody prefers the term African American, and if so that is the term I would use. But they might be from the Caribbean, Europe, South/Central America, and not identify as African American.
Coolest Ranger
(2,034 posts)as an American, but no, I'm identified as African American even though my great grandfather is white, my great, great grandfather comes from the Pacific Islands, my grandmother is Native American and my other grandmother is Native American. I have no problems with this. I honestly don't understand the need to see posts like this show up every few months.
(22,336 posts)JHan
(10,173 posts)because white has historically been the "default" , so it feels odd to say "european american" - Although we do say Russian American, I can imagine Irish-American as well, showing the impact of identity politics in modern times - but for a long time "real american" was considered white and blue eyed- everyone else had to get their own label and the legacy of that thinking lives on.