Takin’ It to the Streets?
However, we are a country with a history, and as William Faulkner observed, The past is never dead. Its not even past.
To that end, one should be concerned about, shall we say, a deplorable reaction from some Trump supporters to the Donalds defeat. These are the folks who think the nothingburger about Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clintons e-mails is, as Trump absurdly said yesterday, bigger than Watergate. How do you think theyll react to a Trump loss?
Consider what happened in the supposedly blue state of Massachusetts just hours after Barack Obama defeated John McCain eight years ago:
The bishop of a predominantly black Tinkham Road church, destroyed by a suspicious fire Wednesday morning, said, It gives every appearance of being a deliberate act or hate crime.
horrific loss that quickly followed.
Three white men were convicted of this hate crime, this symbolic lynching of Barack Obama. Think about how much more hatred has grown in the hearts and minds of millions of right-wing Americans in the eight years since Obamas historic victory. Remember when Rush Limbaughthe man these right-wing Americans think would make a better President than Obamaproclaimed that he hoped Obama would fail?
Now that Obama has clearly succeeded, these right-wing Americans are in a state of rage. A black man has demonstrated that he was capable of succeeding in the most important job in the worldand a woman may do the same. Thats intolerable to the right-wing mind.
I wouldnt put it past Trump to turn a concession speech into an incitement to insurrection.
November 8 will be a night filled with anxiety for women, people of color, religious minorities and anyone who wakes up in the morning with concerns that they might not make it to the same bed that night as a result of right-wing-inspired violence. Either a extremist will be elevated by the election, or that extremist will lose and encourage his followers to go ballistic.

Springfield Fire Department Photo by Dennis Leger
Springfield firefighters battle a blaze that destroyed the Macedonia Church of God at 215 Tinkham Road starting about 3 a.m. Wednesday. Damage to the building, which was under construction, was estimated at $ 2.5 million.
"We are also mindful (that) in the fabric of our nation there are people who hate people, who are racist people, people who didn't vote for Obama just because he was an African-American."
This was in Springfield, Mass. Hours after Obama was declared the winner in 2008. This, in a deeply blue State. There is to much hate out there.