African American
Related: About this forum#CrimingWhileWhite: Ammon Bundy's Oregon Terrorists and Weaponized White Privilege Prevails Again
Thursdays acquittal of the Bundy militants, by an all-white jury, is a de facto endorsement of political violence by conservatives and other members of the American right-wing against the United States government. This decision comes at a very perilous moment in American life.
The FBI and other law enforcement agencies have categorized the so-called sovereign citizen and broader Christian right-wing militia movement (of which the Bundy militants are part of) as being a greater threat to Americas domestic security than Islamic terrorists.
The Guardian newspaper, as well as organizations such as the Southern Poverty Law Center, have also identified the right-wing militia and sovereign citizen movements as being a threat to local order and government in areas across the rural parts of the United States.
Donald Trump has told his supporters to intimidate and harass black and brown voters in Americas inner cities on Election Day. As reported by The Washington Post, white right-wing militia groups such as the Oath Keepers are planning to following through on his commands:
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A storm is coming...

(18,318 posts)In the last few months, editorials against the "Sage Brush Rebellion" have been published by sources not seen sympathetically by most DUers. These are Field & Stream, Outdoor Life, Petersen's Hunting, and the staid Gray's Sporting Journal. They have correctly analyzed the issue: the destruction of the federal public lands tradition, with these lands deeded back to hopelessly overwhelmed state fish & game departments, all with the intent of selling these park lands, forests and wildlife refuges to mining, logging, and developer interests. This would cripple the whole idea of public hands, not just for hunters, fishers and birders, but for all citizens.
The question for DUers is stark: Do we revitalize an old and effective alliance between hunters & fishers on the one hand, and conservationists on the other? Such an effort will require that many urban-driven values (anti-hunting, pro "animal rights," opposition to public access to "preserves," hostility to all grazing interests using public land, hostility in general to rural lifestyles) NOT be the what the Party leads with in formulating strong public lands policy.
Gifford Pinchot detested hunting, and complained to hunter Teddy Roosevelt about it -- as they camped out in forests they preserved.
(90,087 posts)This is about White Privilege, no black, brown or Muslim would have come out of the Bundy stand off unharmed and many would be dead. This is about White Privilege, they are allowed violent protest and are set free with impunity.
A storm is coming. Are we prepared? And will those who have summoned it such as Trump and the right-wing media be held properly responsible for the harm and chaos they have inspired?
Not sure where Field & Stream and Outdoor Life fit in here.
(18,124 posts)and if these clowns aren't dealt with swiftly and firmly when they cause disruptions based on some white privilege right that they have made up that they feel is their privilege in their mind only they will continue as a cancer does, growing cell by cell. These people want a civil/class/race war to justify their pitiful, pathetic lives. Trump is just the latest catalyst to spur the white righters on. He won't be the last.
Perhaps Obamacare can help them. I have my doubts so many of them are incurable. No matter, we are taking this forward. I sure as hell am not going back. We are taking this forward together.
That is a fact.