African American
Related: About this forumdo you ever get the feeling that some liberal warriors are happier when Democrats are the minority
their stars shine brighter? their tweets get shared more? their documentaries get more attention?
i cannot help but think that some of these people seem definitely happier as heroes of the left when the GOP rule, than when an actual Democrat is in office.
of course most of these people don't have to worry about healthcare and immigration and racism and misogyny and homophobia etc.
it's entirely possible that i am being uber cynical, but i cannot help but see some of how the heroes under GWB have risen again, and they didn't seem to do much to support Obama when he was in power or help HRC win.

(19,807 posts)Protesting is so much cooler than voting. Besides, actually voting might serve to label you as "mainstream" or "part of the establishment".
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)lapucelle
(19,807 posts)She was an evil corporatist neoliberal AND she was extremely careless with email.
Help I'm repressed
Eliot Rosewater
(32,631 posts)these days "exciting" or "the time to shine" or whatever.
I believe we do have an opportunity now to galvanize a bunch of people who before were not paying attention but at what expense, what cost?
I think we may lose everything, making those benefits short lived and meaningless.
(90,087 posts)"We can get through this." No, actually many will not make it through alive and this is not an exaggeration.
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)this.
(37,748 posts)That's something I'm consistently guilty of. I keep projecting my own experiences and concerns as a straight, white, affluent male onto everyone else, naively believing that unity and patience will eventually succeed without cost.
Though I firmly believe we will succeed though unity and patience, I have to remind myself that there will be casualties; something relatively (and unfortunately) easy for a straight, white, affluent male to forget in the here and in the now.
And I hope you guys never allow me to forget that. Thanks.
(34,495 posts)irisblue
(34,726 posts)FreepFryer
(7,086 posts)...and say that in some respects, Modern Left-wing liberalism thrives better as an opposition than an incumbent effort - to defend the status quo, when it is imperfect, is far harder for a Liberal than a Conservative. And the reverse, acting to affect actual progress and improve the status quo, is a much more easily internalized intention for those on the Left than for those on the Right.
(90,087 posts)forjusticethunders
(1,151 posts)They make money off people suffering, just in a roundabout way.
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)money and fame.
(1,151 posts)La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)JI7
(91,450 posts)and while he has not won at the presidential level he has worked on many state elections which have been won and we are now seeing how important it is to win these campaigns.
can't say the same for the green party which only seems to pop up in presidential election years to attack democrats .
(91,450 posts)Jill stein's tweet attacking democrats after Devos was confirmed pretty much showed what they are about.
(10,173 posts)...write a book about the experience and sell it to themselves. Spare us the fuckery.
(56,582 posts)Same guys who are now saying "but we'll get good punk rock"!
The Polack MSgt
(13,522 posts)Some want to pretend to have a secret knowledge of the human condition
But mostly they're shallow privileged children who lack the empathy or the moral rigor to deduce the probable outcomes of their preferred policies on anybody who is not substantially similar to themselves.
Wow, that is a convoluted sentence - and that's why I usually just call them assholes
Starry Messenger
(32,376 posts)La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)JI7
(91,450 posts)instead of going after the republicans who were the ones blocking anything he tried to do and the bs benghazi and other investigations.
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)DonCoquixote
(13,789 posts)what is really depressing is that many of them, both on the greater media landscape and here on DU seem to be very happy about how things turned out. Yes, they get into full oratory glory, as they talk about how much of America is doomed, usually followed by a standard "America I was never good to begin with" rant, or some allusion to the good old days that Bernie Sanders would've brought back (ignoring the fact that he told them to vote for Hillary at the end), to the "now we can finally be leftist again!"
It seriously reminds me of the "bingo" memes that I see on this site. For those here on DU that do not what I'm talking about, let me explain. Usually when someone wants to discredit someone they will make a meme on here called bingo. Instead of numbers, it will list BS excuses that people use to defend their behavior. There are all sorts of these games, ranging from the vegetarian, to one for immigration, and so on. The message these games are supposed to show is that the bigot/scumbag/weak willed will usually rattle off enough of these excuses to where you can make "bingo!" I am sure you can find some if you look, or perhaps some here will post one, especially as the people talked about in this OP are so ripe for it. The point of the meme is to distinguish between people who occasionally say one thing that sets off warnings, and people who follow a very consistent pattern of behavior that they are either unaware of, or worse, outright bullshitting.
So, let's set up our bingo board: perhaps a "I had a right to vote my conscience, and that was Jill Stein!" or "Hillary could not be trusted" or "we need to focus on class consciousness rather than social issues!" Ok, that makes three. Let's add a favorite: "now that the Clintons are gone, we can focus on reviving the left." Ok, we are close, how about "After four years of Trump, we will finally be ready to go left"...Some of the males specialize in "Women should focus on jobs, because the husbands need them, and they will ensure the winning votes!" A lot of people will follow that with "that is why Trump won 55 percent of white women!"
I think we have BINGO!
And at the risk of violating principles of both class consciousness and social justice, I will add another "I am rich enough to survive the Trump years". Let's add another "I get tired of being distrusted and blamed because I am not female/Poc/LGBT." Now, some show this clearer than others. Hell, if you want the person who inspired this meme, go ahead and peek at There are times I can love him for being honest about Trump, but oh gods is he happy Hillary lost, and he talks like he is ready to start writing the purge list, as well as whining about women. Of course, all of us here can think (but dare not say for fear of kangaroo court juries) of several people on this very site that would only take 5 moves to hit bingo.
Now, let me be frank, early on, I was leaning sanders until his followers imploded in a ball of stupidity that poor Bernie could not even stuff back in the bottle. I do also believe that those Hillary entrusted to run her campaign should have been more aggressive about addressing those issues instead of getting lured into Trump's trap of "look at how much I can piss her off, my loyal deplorables!" which of course, sadly energized the yeehaws and yahoos. However, even if 4 years of Trump were to suddenly transform this country into the sort of nation that the Swedish look upon in envy, it would not be worth letting Trump play with nukes. Americans are already suffering, but even if you could rub Aladdin's lamp and ensure that no American suffered under Trump, it would still be immoral as hell, and reveal that many who are making good money being the self appointed "left" are really just a bunch of creeps willing to use US as fuel for their engines.
There is a quote from Eric Hoffer I started using back when Nader did his damage in 2000. "those who would sacrifice a generation to realize an ideal are the enemies of mankind." I will humbly add "and even greater enemies of womankind, minorities, and LGBT."