African American
Related: About this forumYouTube: Man Schools A Cop That Detained Him For Parking On A Public Street
My (Progree) short description of what I saw -- He's sitting in a car parked across the street from a house in North Branch, Minnesota. A woman in that house called 911 about a suspicious person taking pictures, and so this cop showed up. The driver simply refused to show his license and registration or answer any questions because the cop didn't have a valid reason to detain him. All the cop could say about that is that they got this suspicious person call and he was finding out what was going on. The driver (he self-describes as a "colored person" at 2:30. ) said he has a legal right to sit on the street and take pictures 24/7 (though he said he wasn't taking pictures, he merely had a cellphone on a dashboard mount). And he asked the cop to identify himself which the cop finally did. The driver told him this is going to be on Facebook, YouTube and I forget what else. The cop did start to sound like he was about to cry when he left.
Oh, at 6:50 the cop said "I'm smelling an odor coming from your car", Driver said: get your puppy then. (more than once).

An earlier GD thread about it:

(11,603 posts)lamp_shade
(15,133 posts)rurallib
(63,474 posts)I kept waiting for the cop to blurt that out. Looked like he was sure thinking it.
(3,723 posts)illegally, but that is the thing that happens a lot.
This guy is very brave or he read that the cop was a nice guy.
Generic Other
(29,020 posts)Sorry, but your assessment of his character sucks.
It's liars like this who get people of color killed.
Baitball Blogger
(49,363 posts)I feel so sorry for that cop. He got so owned. I wish he had his mic on. For one thing, the cop had the ability to check the car out through the license plate number. Second, this should be a tutorial video for cops, because there is a proper way to handle this, and he missed every gate.
Downtown Hound
(12,618 posts)He should have been a professional and walked away when it quickly became apparent there was no crime being committed and the individual wished to be left alone. Instead he let his ego get the better of him and kept him detained, and then tried some bullshit about smelling weed (really? 13 minutes in? Lol). I've had plenty of people be rude to me in plenty of jobs that I worked, and I wasn't even harassing them like this cop was doing. I always tried to remain professional and do my job respectfully. This cop should have done the same and not let his wounded ego get the better of him.
The Jungle 1
(4,552 posts)I own 16 acres and a neighbor hired a surveyor to set some pins that were never set. Shouldn't be a problem right. Except this neighbor has been very un-neighborly. Being neighborly is not a Philadelphia street. The surveyor is fully on my property and digging for pins using a metal detector. So I ask him what he is doing and I am informed surveyors have special rights to enter property. He is bull shitting me. Pa has no right of entry law for surveyors. A lot of states do but Pa does not. Finally he leaves my property and we both call the police. The police listen to their side then listen to my side. They did not come on my property again.
This is the second time this has happened to me. A few years ago I went for a walk in my woods and there are traverse surveyor pins well within my property. No one ever asked any permission. The surveyors really do think this is OK behavior.
I understand America has huge problems with policing. I also understand I am a 65 year old pasty white guy.
(34,195 posts)I did not get that impression.
Angry and frustrated maybe ... but no, not about to cry.
(11,603 posts)comments section of the You Tube video.
Beginning 7:45 too.
as well as the title of the OP of the GD version of this kind of indicates that too -- "cop gets emotional, looks like he will have a good cry after this interaction"
(34,195 posts)Somebody may think that the guy brought the cop to tears.
(11,603 posts)But I have a strong impression he was very close to shedding some.
(34,195 posts)Again, whatever.
(24,066 posts)and why isnt she charged with a false police report? sounds like the nosey neighbor on bewitched .
(24,066 posts)Watchfoxheadexplodes
(3,496 posts)Good to see a lot of officers when determining sovereign citizens are no threat to continue about their duties.
(11,603 posts)Bull shit. Precisely, exactly, how did the cop determine the driver was "no threat"? All he ascertained from that encounter, unless you have some more video footage that we have not seen (please post) is that the driver knew his rights and that he (the cop) was being filmed by one or two people (the partner in your #26).
It was a cop who finally had the sense to realize that he had lost and obviously was having difficulty with his emotions, and thankfully had the sense to give up and leave. Especially after his "I smell an odor coming from your car" bullshit ploy didn't work.

(11,881 posts)Gutsy, for sure. While he was both correct and innocent of any wrongdoing, those things do not impart a shield against 9mm bullets.
(3,496 posts)The name frauditor has been tagged to this morons that set up police confrontation to make money on youtube.
Nothing to see here but a clown saying he's not taking photos as you plainly see him doing it.
(11,603 posts)The video begins as she is on the phone calling 911 or the cops while also talking to him, and its clear that they were having a conversation earlier (before the video started) as he brought up that she asked him if he needed directions.
Doesn't make him a liar IMHO, that he started videoing (or taking photos) at the point he did. There is no evidence he was taking photos or a video before this video started.
But yeah, he may very well have set this up. I'm not familiar with the "frauditor" tag ... not sure that every tag or label I see on the Interwebs is revealed truth. But then, he seems to be looking for a confrontation. Definitely a dangerous thing to do.
Anyway, I found it instructive on what rights people have, at least legally (and fortunately for him, the cop backed down when challenged). That one can be black or brown and sitting in a car parked on a street, and doesn't have to automatically give out license and insurance and all that on request, or explain what he is doing there, even in a 96% white town, and how to handle "I smell an odor coming from your car".
I wonder about loitering laws, though -- there are streets in Minneapolis that are known for drug dealing and prostitution, and I sure wouldn't want to be parked there for a long time and telling cops to mind their own business -- I think there are anti-loitering laws where I wouldn't get away with that, no matter how much video and lawyers I had.
(3,496 posts)Is a bit different than doing it in a post office or outside some public building.
Shouting racist as the lady walked off convinced me this was another of his set ups. He also added some of the jargon some sovereign citizens use.
(11,603 posts)(or after) and as I said, I don't find him a liar to start videotaping at the point that she is bugging him about what he is doing there and while she is on the phone calling the cops.
(3,496 posts)The homeowner believes he is she placed a call reporting it. Watching his other videos again I'm convinced he sat there looking for his next opportunity to waste a police officers time.
There are thousands of these first amendment (f)auditors. Most are harmless just seeking attention but some can be disturbed and dangerous.
(11,603 posts)street while brown or black, and one way to fight for that right is to just do it.
I've done that too, arriving somewhere like 15 minutes early and just sitting in the car, and wondering if some idiot is going to call.
That often happens to black and brown people in a white neighborhood full of Karens -- they will exaggerate to make it sound more suspicious than it really was.
(3,496 posts)But someone reports a suspicious person in the neighborhood does not always mean racist. Although our friend in the car loves tossing it around.
(11,603 posts)progree
(11,603 posts)a frauditor or anything else. Unless I'm missing something somewhere. I'm not a YouTube expert.
The name frauditor has been tagged to this morons that set up police confrontation to make money on youtube.
I just clicked on where it said the original video:
In the above YouTube video on the lower left, click on "Watch On YouTube" to see the following page:
His intro to the video has: (emphasis mine).
I'm not saying I believe everything he says (or not). But anyway, that's his story.
from your #20
From this page I clicked on the uploader "C M"- THE ABOVE VIDEO IS HIS ONLY UPLOAD
(3,496 posts)Had to watch it several times wanted to be clear.
So he had someone get out of his car or met up with his partner who is also filming.
That's what these idiots do people.
(11,603 posts)In short, I don't care if his partner was filming also or not -- people have had their phones seized on some pretext or none (and then videos deleted), so it was wise that there was someone else around and a ways away before pushing back at this obnoxious cop.
It may very well be that he had someone with him in the car, and when she started giving him a hard time, they decided that person should leave the car and get ready to film before the cop showed up.
I definitely fell out of love with this obnoxious cop when he tried to pull the "I smell odor coming from your car" stunt.
Good for "these idiots". And like I said in number 25
he doesn't appear to be someone doing this serially. So I'm not buying that it was all a prior setup any more and that he does this to make money on YouTube as you imply in #16.
Maybe these "idiots" were extremely very tired of being detained and questioned while being black or brown or, as another example of what happens to black and brown people in greatly disproportionate numbers, being pulled over. You, I'm sure, have heard the expression, "driving while black", and the statistics back this up.