African American
Related: About this forumRacism... not just for white people
Preaching to the choir here I know, just venting a little. My AA fiance has been working for the past 5 months as clerical support in a medical group in Seattle. Everyone else in this division is Filipino for some unknown reason. She is more competent after 5 months than a Filipino co-worker who has been there more than a year; yet they excuse this for him and threaten to let her go at six months if she doesn't meet some nebulous level of proficiency. Hard to see how this is not some kind of racial bias, whether conscious or otherwise.
She's had enough of it - plans to leave on her own, only question is the timing. No lawsuit or other complaint planned. Just "fuck y'all."
It's somewhat surreal watching racism play out for someone else from the sidelines. And of course especially unpleasant when that someone is your fiance.

captain queeg
(11,780 posts)We are not used to it and dont realize how it feels. I went into a Mexican restaurant years ago and got the stink eye and they wouldnt oserve me. Makes you realize how minorities are treated all the time.
(9,696 posts)Hard to know which one is the dominate motive at play
(2,504 posts)But that doesnt ncessarily mean theres no sexism involved. Overall though Im guessing racism.
(6,281 posts)When they go low, we go high.
Have her get a new job with her head held high. If she has friends at the current job, have them give references. Make sure she says that it's because of salary, and hopefully she can get something paying more. If she wants to say something at the exit interview, that's her decision, but "Fuck y'all"... nope. Go high. Have them thinking that they lost someone valuable.