Related: About this forumWhat are you reading the week of May 5, 2013?
Deadly Descent by Charlotte Hinger ~ Lottie Albright #12013 book # 50

getting old in mke
(813 posts)YA prequel to the City of Ember books. Reading for series completeness. You guys ever find yourselves doing that?
Listening: _Finity's End_ by CJ Cherryh. With this one, I'll have visited (or revisited) all the Company Wars books during the last year or so. Her world (well, universe--not a lot takes place on worlds) building seems as natural as it did twenty years ago. That is, when she gets into exposition somehow, everything seems "but of course that's how things are." And her way of using internal monologue to drop that exposition in seems to be mostly "well, I know x, but how does that apply to y?" where x is the exposition and y is a legitimate plot point and that doesn't ever get in the way, at least for me.
I'm reading " A Wanted Man" by Lee Child
(21,044 posts)A project oriented approach to the novel. Video games are produced this way. Stephensons approach is to tell 2, 3, 4 stories at once, like adding layers to an onion. I'm enjoying it. Two more volumes to go.
Mz Pip
(28,014 posts)By China Mieville
(13,324 posts)
(18,219 posts)It is a tradition.