Related: About this forumI'm sure this has been tried before, but I do not know to what end....Book Discussion Group?
What say you?

(63,645 posts)But we did not have a dedicated Fiction Group at he time. I seem to remember there was some issue about not being able to get everyone in the same place on DU at the same time, or something.
I think it might be worth trying again. DU3 gives much greater prominence to small groups like this one. I think it might work if there was a core group of people who took ownership of the idea.
Little Star
(17,055 posts)Remember it's only a few questions...
Would it be like a spoiler to people who had not read the book yet? But I guess you could always put a spoiler alert on that discussion thread.
Would it be sort of like a book club where some of us agree to read the same book ahead of time?
Am I missing the whole idea?
I like new ideas like this!
I'm working on another totally different idea I would like to present to the group when I can figure out the kinks.
(18,219 posts)I used to belong to a book discussion group and I loved having other people to talk to about a book, especially if I liked it or if it disturbed me.
I have devised a plan that could make this work online, because it would be too hard with so many people reading at different speeds (I am a really slow reader and I see some on here who are reading several books in a week).
We could have the subject be "book title, through chapter 5", or whatever to set the book into sections. That way whenever someone finishes that part of the book, they can then go into that thread and see what others think and add their feeling on it, without a spoiler to what is coming next. My mother and I often read books together and would discuss things as we went, and I loved it.
I don't think that we would all have to agree to a book, anyone could choose a book and start a thread on that book. If the thread fails to get any interest, there is no harm---the OP still read a book that they wanted to read.
Other ideas?
flying rabbit
(4,813 posts)We could have votes on the selections, divide it up in general categories and from there...
(3,391 posts)been part of a group. So, I would be willing to do it like that. It just seems like something fun to do.
(18,219 posts)would you like to start one and we can see how it goes? Do you have any books that you planned on reading or ones that you read and loved and would like to read again with a discussion group?
We can fine tune it as we go if things are problematic. I am halfway through a book right now and don't know how long before I am ready to get going on this....but then again, if we decide to do it with discussion at certain points in the book, anyone can go into it whenever they are at the right spot in the book, and that could be a month or more after the first posts without disrupting the post. I suppose the only rule on that would be that if someone has finished the book, they will not be able to comment on anything in the book after the designated spot so there are no spoilers----since you should not be reading the post until you finish that part of the book.
But I ramble.
(3,391 posts)but it is a new year. I put this in the fiction forum but I tend to read a lot of non-fiction too. HA now I'm scared. Hahaha. I'm wondering about that, I guess if it is a fiction book we do it here and a non-fiction we can do it there. What say you? Right now I am actually just finishing up the second book in the Dexter series. But. I will try and put some thought into the next book. I was thinking of working off this list here,
here is an easier one to navagate:
I believe all of these are online.
I wanted to work on some of the classics that I missed over the years. But that may be boring for some. I'll do some thinking about it today. I stink a decision making, I have a hard time wanting to please everyone. But this seems fun. I'm excited.
(18,219 posts)but I am with you, I will have to think about it. Not a rush, right?
I love classics, and to be honest, they are often books that make discussion better---because they are not shallow books.
Think of some books you have loved, or authors. I have been wanting to re-read The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver, because I remember it was really good. I also just got The Catcher in the Rye for Christmas because I had been saying that I had never read it---and should have. But I have a pile of books to get to and I will look through them. You think about it too.
Like I said, if a book is a flop, we just move on to another one. Anyone could choose to do a book and start a discussion on it, so it doesn't really matter, does it?
I have ideas on how to start this without screwing with spoilers too. The OP could be just a jacket description of the book and/or author with a warning not to read further into the other posts without finding spoilers. It could explain what we are doing in the thread so others can join if they would like after reading.
(3,391 posts)but there are so many classics I should have read and haven't I like the idea of working on them. I like the idea of splitting a book into sections and having a separate thread for each section. Someone also mentioned Goodreads as place for us to set up as a group.
(18,219 posts)I probably will not be participating in that one because the book is too new. I do not buy books (well, rarely, and I have to love the book). I use the library, and it is hard to get a book that is new there. A book that is a little older, or better yet, a classic, will be easier to get and cheaper if it has to be purchased. But that is me, I think there are so many different preferences for what we read that just one discussion will not draw all takers. Not a problem.
I used to belong to a group that did mostly classics, or classic authors, and enjoyed it. I would never have read some really great books without it. Edith Wharton and Henry James I would never have picked up. Our group was run by a retired English teacher, so she knew so many great books.
I think it is good to let the one pinned post see how things work, but I will be thinking of other ideas for later. You too.
(3,391 posts)distance.
(18,219 posts)We have one underfunded library here. But we still have one!!!! New books just don't get there for a year or so, and then there is a long waiting list for them.
(3,391 posts)to get us started.
(3,391 posts)Gonna think of a couple more and then start a thread for a vote. Yes? I'm thinking Catcher in the Rye, Slaughterhouse Five, Grapes of Wrath, 1984, or Invisible Man.
Here is a good list to start with.
(18,219 posts)There are 2 I have never read---Catcher and Invisible Man. Slaughterhouse and 1984 have been a long long time ago. I just read Grapes of Wrath last year---a great book.
(31,042 posts)raccoon
(31,647 posts)ZenLefty
(20,924 posts)I think we can even do it here in this Fiction group (was kinda surprised to not see that going on in the first place). But if it were its own group I'd more than likely participate.
On spoilers: I think by default it would have to allow spoilers otherwise we wouldn't be able to discuss the book. We could have certain spoiler rules, such as using white text and clearly setting an alert in the subject line. But I would expect to see spoilers if I opened a book discussion thread.
(22,340 posts)And I don't know why there couldn't be several books going at once. If somebody makes a suggestion and gets enough people to read along with them, go for it.
I agree that the OP should include Book Group (or something), the title, and the chapter the discussion goes to. Putting the whole discussion in one thread would make it hard for people that are catching up. I think the person "running" the discussion for that thread could set a general timeline realizing that people may chime in at any point.
I was just going to start a new novel and, if I'm not stepping on your toes, would be willing to offer it up as a possibility and see who bites (realizing of course any number of people could get a discussion going on any number of new books).
(3,391 posts)should have its own thread.
(22,340 posts)It would be easy enough to pin an active discussion thread so that it stayed at the top and visible and then unpin it when the scheduled reading was up. If that is something group members would want.
(3,391 posts)was just throwing the idea out there, but didn't really have any plans beyond that. So I'm fine with anyone else starting.
(4,562 posts)It's kind of like Facebook for readers. You can set up a private group for DU members and have book discussions there. It's very book and author friendly. If such a thing was set up, perhaps there could be a pinned post at the top of this group for info about books being read and other info.
(3,391 posts)I have an account there, just haven't been there for a while. Nice idea I'm for that if others are. I am pretty easy going about it all.
Little Star
(17,055 posts)amyrose2712
(3,391 posts)I guess it is confusing. Maybe I should delete that thread.
Little Star
(17,055 posts)pro's and con's of running the discussion here within DU fiction as opposed to running it on Good Reads?
I have never been part of a book discussion so I don't have a clue which would be better. I'm just happy that it may happen once the kinks get worked out.
Are you and Goblin working on this via PM? That would be a good thing and might cut down some confusion, jmho.
Thanks again, LS
(3,391 posts)It was just a thought, I think because that Goodreads is already set up for discussion groups. We have not really been working through PM. But its an idea. So far, as far as I know, there is that one pin that some may want to join in on. The Return of the Goon Squad" however, some (me included) would like to maybe work on the classics. Still working out the kinks. Once everything is worked out I suggest a pin up with rules or structure. Again, I have never done this either.
Little Star
(17,055 posts)that someone should work on the classics.
This is just a suggestion of process that might work for you two:
You & Goblin work together via pm hashing out the pro\'s & con\'s of different ways you think the discussion might work.
Once you guys have devised a plan, present the plan to the group in a interest/question/discussion thread. Leave that thread up for maybe a week to get feedback.
If necessary, after the interest/question/discussion period, you guys work once again by pm and button up what the actual plan would be.
Then if there is/was enough interest activate the book discussion group with a introduction, explaination of process (how to join in and play) and any rules (time limits, etc) that may need to be followed.
These are only suggestions, take what you like and leave the rest.
PS: Maybe having just one of you as the point person would be less confusing also, jmho.
(22,340 posts)1. Please start a discussion on one of the classics. Or at least see who wants to do it with you. I don't think we only have to have one discussion going at a time.
2. For the "goon squad" book, I think I will do that on here but will look at Goodreads and see how I like it in the meantime. It is interesting also from a teaching perspective. I usually read "Ulysses" every summer and often have a couple of my Honors Brit Lit kids join me in the endeavor and this might be a good way to discuss it.
I guess I'm just more of a jump-in-and-give-it-a-shot sort of guy and just work out the kinks as we go through it.
(3,391 posts)