The Anti-Racism Comic Book Story That Beat the Comics Code Authority
The Anti-Racism Comic Book Story That Beat the Comics Code Authority
This is a feature called "A Political World," where we spotlight 20th Century comic book stories that came out back when comic books were not political at all, unlike comic books nowadays.
I have written about this comic book story a number of times over the years, but it is one of those stories where you can really never talk ENOUGH about it, that's how good of a story it is and how important it is as a story.
In 1953's Weird Fantasy #18, Al Feldstein and Joe Orlando produced the story "Judgment Day," about an astronaut observer being sent from a Galactic Alliance to see if a robot planet is ready to be admitted into their alliance. However, the astronaut is disappointed to learn that the robots differentiate among each other based on the color of their outer sheathing...
No less than the great Ray Bradbury wrote in to EC Comics to congratulate them on the excellent story...
