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(15,632 posts)That Randy Milholland has taken over the Sunday Popeye strip. For over 20 years now, he's done an online comic called Something Positive, and his being such an expert on Popeye no doubt helped him get that gig when the previous artist retired. The short guy is Olive's brother Castor Oyl, and the tall woman is his wife Cylinda, who hadn't been seen in the strip for over 90 years. Randy brought her back for his first strip along with Alice the Goon. He's also retconned her to be African-American. Their daughter is Deezil. When it was still Thimble Theater, the cartoon focused more on the Oyls and Olive's then-boyfriend Ham Gravy, but when Popeye showed up, he proved very popular, and a lot of characters were sidelined.
(95,721 posts)And Happy New Year!
(159,200 posts)Rhiannon12866
(229,091 posts)And wishing you a Happy New Year!!!