Related: About this forumWould love help with a title for this!
Any suggestions?
Again, its written as song lyrics, so there is repetition, but I may keep it this way to use as a stand-alone piece of poetry. Thoughts on that would also be appreciated! 💕🎶
Just what is your problem now
What do you want from me
Youre blaming me for all your woes
Full of rage and jealousy
What the hell is going on
And who the hell are you
Point that finger in my face
Four more point back at you
Im not special, but certainly I try
Im a sinner. Im vain and sometimes lie
Im not perfect, though I try to be
Im not God. Dont even play Him on TV
What exactly is your issue
That you spew names and insults
Do you think that Im that mighty
Is this some new crazy kind of cult
You think that Ive got super powers
Responsible for centuries of wars
You even blame me for the weather.
Tell me, did I kill the dinosaurs?
Im not special, but certainly I try
Im not perfect. I even curse and cry
Im no angel, though I try to be
Im not God. Dont even play Him on TV
So what is your malfunction
What the hell did I do now
To make you think that your mistakes
Are all my fault somehow
Im not that special, hard as I may try
Im a sinner, I envy and I lie
Nobodys perfect, your examples plain to see
Im not God. Dont even play Him on TV.
Damn it all to hell and back
Have mercy, glory be
I try to walk a narrow path
But Im not God.
Good Lord!
Dont even play Him on TV!

(26,329 posts)...have only read this once so far, but the repeated line "Don't even play Him on TV" catches my attention. Might be a worthy title.
(621 posts)Was considering it! Its usually either a group of words that catch the audiences attention or a theme/idea that most people get from the piece.
Very helpful!
The band I write for is heavy metal (actually nu metal, low-tuned guitars, not as wild as heavy metal), but my writing tends to lean toward country. Im assuming this will end up in the country pile. They dont want to lose me (plus they are very nice people) so for every 5 they do, they let me do one however I want, and they do background vocals and play the instruments. This one will most likely fall into that category.
Several that Ive written and posted here, still bring me to tears when I sing them. If I post my bare vocal track, youll see Im not a strong singer, I often sound like a chipmunk 🐿 and youll probably be able to tell where Im holding back emotions because my pipes close up, so Im off pitch or not as strong. And pretty much all my beginning are weak because I get nervous without music.
Probably more info than you wanted or needed! 💕
(26,329 posts)...is listening - not much volume, and limited range, but I can stay in tune. Anything an octave above middle C is too high, and anything below E-F below middle C is too low.
I know without a doubt that vocal cords and tear ducts cannot function at the same time. The latter definitely inhibits the former. I cant even talk when I cry, let alone sing.
Can you post a link to some of your work?
(621 posts)Ill see if I can figure out how to do that.
Wounded Bear
(61,515 posts)Maybe "I'm Just Me"
I kind of like the "I'm Not God" meme, but sounds a bit pretentious, maybe.
Perhaps "Just a Sinner On the Path"
Hope that sparks some thoughts for you.
(621 posts)I was afraid Im Not God might either offend people or make it appear, by its title, that its a religious piece, and then they might be offended.
Your other ideas are great! Overall theme of the piece without giving too much away!
Thank you!
(10,212 posts)Possible title: I'm not Him
OOh! I like that! Youd have to learn which him the title refers to, so nobody would accidentally think they have been tricked into reading a religious piece.
Great idea!
Cant wait to meet with some musicians to lay down some musical tracks. I generally like my last piece best. That would be this one, (at least for one night) but I think it will remain in my top 5 for quite some time!
Glad you liked it, and thats for the idea!
(10,212 posts)can't wait to hear it!
It may be a while. I do the songs much faster than the musicians do their tracks. I think they told me Ive submitted 40! And theyre working on the 4th! I did just vocal tracks for 6 or 7 others. They will sound quite different, Im sure.
Theres one on the forum called Listen that is about sexual assault. Its like my #MeToo song. Its very monotone in parts because I wanted my voice to express shock but the instruments to show anger, so I expect it to sound very different.
Another, Pass the Bottle, the band also says is monotone. Maybe it is. 🤷🏼♀️ I dont have a powerful voice, but people tell me it is expressive. Im hoping the music will also add further emotion to that one, as well.
Thanks again! I love getting feedback! The guys are work with are headbangers, so we have very polite creative differences. Its nice to hear from others. I wont hear from the band until tomorrow.
(21,646 posts)You think that Ive got super powers
Responsible for centuries of wars
You even blame me for the weather.
Tell me, did I kill the dinosaurs?
I sort of like the previously mentioned
Dont even play him on TV
Nobodys perfect your examples plain to see
(621 posts)I am kind of partial to that stanza myself!
I also like the ending...
But Im not God.
Good Lord!
Dont even play Him on TV!
I want to kind of speak, with exaggeration, Good Lord!
In the chorus, I tried to change whatever came after Im not perfect, but certainly I try or whatever variation I used, and I really struggled because I wanted to write I drink and I get high just because its different, but I actually dont get high and my mom (whos about 80) likes to listen to my songs, and I couldnt do it to her! 💕
Thanks so much for the feedback! I have other song lyrics that I recently posted if interested. I turn off from every form of media and write something every night. It keeps me sane!
(621 posts)Im not perfect
I drink and I get high
But my poor mom would have had a coronary, and I honestly dont get high, though it has been recommended to deal with the nausea of chemo. I may try it for that reason, but truly I just liked the flow and rhythm of it.
(21,646 posts)Im not special, but certainly I try
Im not perfect. I drink and I get high
? Or add another one
M.j helped a friend of mind through chemo . If there is medical marijuana in your area they could help you find the right strain
It helped my friend with nausea and appetite
Once healed never used again
Let mom know its medicine now not just stoners
Did you decide on a title yet?
(621 posts)New Jersey didnt know how to fill it. It really did help in the hospital.
I actually did not decide on a name yet. We are still working on the musical arrangement for the instruments, and often a line stands out to become the title. I gave them lyrics the day before that are more comparable to their metal genre, so they are working on that in the studio. It includes a bit of cursing, its snarking and even mean, so I didnt share it here! Some topic, for the most part, though. They agree to do one my way for about every 4 or 5 that I write for them, so I try to be patient. I was considering Not Even on TV, but I wrote one about addiction where the chorus repeats I am not your savior so originally I named it Savior. We changed it to Close the Curtain because one stanza says: Life isnt certain/ Im not that person /I closed the curtain/ Go save yourself. It was a switch of emotion in the song, and stuck with listeners, so we changed the title. When I publish poetry, I rarely do titles, unless the publisher insists. Its just not my thing. But songs need them.
(621 posts)I once played keyboard, so I think Ill try to relearn or take YouTube lessons. Might as well get through this as a new and improved me. 🎹🥰
(21,646 posts)room for other things .. like creativity
Open spaces appear
(621 posts)I curse and I get high does just flow off the tongue. My mom lives with me and enjoys hearing me mess with the songs and then sing them. I tape them for her to hear when I lay down the vocals. Maybe Ill just tell her my thoughts on it and see if she gets funny about it. She may understand the creative aspect. Thanks for the input!
(621 posts)TV?
Or Im not God?
I dont want to give away the cow.
Response to Tucker08087 (Original post)
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(621 posts)😂🤣😂👍 That was good!
Thanks! Im glad you read it. I may have figured out a way to send it in musical form, but everyone is isolating, so there would be no music. Ill hide in the garage and see how bad it sounds. 😬
(1,423 posts)Star-Thrower
(309 posts)What the Hell?
(2 posts)I'm liking it, my friend!