Science Fiction
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(7,579 posts)I consider myself a huge science fiction fan, but I never heard of 95% of these people. I try to keep up to date by reading "best of" collections, but I find just about everything in them to be junk. The only category that really bugs me about not knowing who's who is the artists. How come I don't know these people? I need to get out more.
I became familiar with the names if not read all the pieces by reading a lot of short works, even the nominated novels I usually knew some of the author's short work.
(11,030 posts)Got this one on my Nook and it is a keeper, as is everything I've read by Sanderson thus far.
Far and away the best Fantasy novel I've read yet is his THE WAY OF KINGS, which is supposed to the first in an epic set of novels a la Robert Jordan's WHEEL OF TIME. I'm waiting, as patiently as I can, for book number two in this series.
getting old in mke
(813 posts)And the first book of _Mistborn_.
I thought he did as good a job as could be done on wrapping up the Wheel of Time, so decided to look at his own things.
One premise of _Elantris_--the non-fading pain--is as horrifying a thought as I've run into, although the story itself was just okay.
On-topic: Generally, I only read the novels these days. John Scalzi, Kim Stanley Robinson and Lois McMaster Bujold certainly are regulars for contenders, but I'll have to look up the other two.
(24 posts)SheilaT
(23,156 posts)Haven't read too many of the nominees, but I did read Red Shirts which is hilarious and wonderful.
Pat Cadigan is a friend of mine (best novelette), although I haven't read the piece that one.
Congratulations to all!