Related: About this forumspecial NaNoWriMo 2013 free trial version of Scrivener *almost 2 months*
(anyone else doing NaNoWriMo this year?)
Special Trial Version
Scrivener's trial normally runs for thirty days of use, but so that you can start using Scrivener before NaNoWriMo begins without worrying about the trial expiring part-way through November, the special NaNo trial available on this page will run from the moment you start using it all the way up until 7th December.

Melissa G
(10,170 posts)I did it a couple of times long ago. Thinking about it again.
Thanks for the link!
(23,156 posts)completely new at this point.
(154,021 posts)but if I start it will end up in no time. So no.
And I wish Scrivener put this on IOS to be honest. I am now using Ulyses\Daedalus combo for fiction.
Melissa G
(10,170 posts)At the kick off event now!
(12,051 posts)getting an outline done for the novel I had planned. I'm retired, I have plenty of time to do it, but I may just have to realize that I may just not be interested enough in writing to actually do it. It sounds like too much work rather than fun.
I have noticed that, for this last year since retiring, I have been very uninterested in anything that looks like work. I don't know if this feeling will pass, but right now I feel anxious when I have even two things that I must do in one day, like two appointments. I feel pressured and pushed, even if they are things I wanted to do. Don't get me started on those days when I have two doctor's appointments or something like that. I can hardly sleep the night before in those cases.
I think that after a lifetime of always having to work, always having to deal with life/kids/hubby full bore every day, now I REALLY want to lay off of anything that smacks of work.
In fact, I had to laugh at myself yesterday -- in my working days, I always styled my hair each morning. Now I don't do that, as a rule. Yesterday I was going to a party, so I styled my hair and felt anxious because it reminded me of going to work every day. Man, work took a lot more out of me than I even realized. How I dealt with it I have no idea. Putting one foot in front of the other, I guess.