Related: About this forumJust saw that
Quarterback who was fined and suspended speaking on tv. He denies any sexual wrongdoing, but is accepting his severe punishment. I'm confused. If he's willing to be punished for something he feels was not wrong, why? Not a big fan, but think that's suspiciously similar to TFG paying $25 million to a hooker for something he didn't do either.
Asking for the 20+women who complained about him.

OAITW r.2.0
(29,497 posts)I haven't paid close attention to this case, but if it were 1 or 2 women, maybe you take a close look at the accusers. But 25 accusations? Pretty sure there has to be an evidentiary trial with this dude. And if he is a serial scumbag, kick him out of the league.
(8,171 posts)Twenty-four civil lawsuits were filed against Watson; 23 have been settled confidentially. Two grand juries in Texas declined to charge Watson criminally.
"I'm moving on with my career and my life, and I'm going to continue to stand on my innocence," Watson told the media Thursday. "Just because settlements and things like that happen, doesn't mean that person is guilty for anything."
(4,470 posts)That beady eyed punk. We had enough of Rothlesberger over the happy he is gone!