Related: About this forumThe Humble THQ Bundle! Pay what you want for seven games
The guys from the Humble Bundle are at it again, but this time with major releases; I've heard rumors that THQ is in dire straits financially, but this seems like a crazy deal.
The games are:
Company of Heroes
Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts
Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor
Red Faction Armageddon
Metro 2033
Saint's Row The Third (if you beat the average price paid, which right now is $5,65)
It's pay what you want, and you can split up the money as you like between the developer, charity (Child's Play and American Red Cross) and the Humble Bundle People.
More info at
Of the games I know only two Metro 2033 and Saint's Row The Third.
I enjoyed Metro 2033, even though it took me a while to get into it. I actually got into it more after reading the book (even though the plot deviates, since the book didn't have that much fighting in it). It does have a minor case of consolitis (regenerating health, checkpoint saving system only, and the controls felt a bit wonky to me) but it's a good FPS if you enjoy the post-apocalyptic setting.
Saint's Row The Third is a great game, if you like GTA-style games. It's much better optimized for PC than SR2 was. The dialogue and cutscenes seemed a bit better in SR2, but other than that I thought SR3 was superior in pretty much everything. Especially the non-story activities are much better; there are only three levels per activity (not six, like in SR2) and the difficulty level is a bit more reasonable; some activities in SR2 became ludicrously hard at higher levels. Keep in mind there is a metric ton of DLC for this game, mostly additional clothes and vehicles, but three of them also have new missions.
As for the rest I don't like hack'n slashes much (which is what Darksiders looks like) and I'm absolutely hopeless at RTS games. I actually own Company of Heroes, it came with my graphics card (which really ages my rig), but I never actually played it. The only RTS I've played is Command & Conquer Red Alert 3, because I enjoyed the wacky characters. But after some point I had to play the missions on easy because I was getting slaughtered.
If anybody has any input on the other games let me know.

Ohio Joe
(21,894 posts)Best Humble Bundle yet. Thanks!
I can't believe what a great deal this is. I paid 15 bucks for way I would pay less. I'd feel like a criminal!
Ohio Joe
(21,894 posts)This just got even better:
They have added in Titan Quest and an expansion for Red Faction. Titan Quest is freakin awesome, see my review here:
I hope they also toss in the Titan Quest expansion before this one is done
(776 posts)I checked the page earlier and so far they raised close to four million $. Hope this helps keep THQ and especially the developers tied to them afloat.
Thanks for the link to your Titan Quest review, I'll definitely read it.
(39,961 posts)With Immortal Throne, plus all the fan made content, that could keep a gamer in thrall for years! is a great site for the game and has TONS of fan made content, including entirely new games off the engine.
Ohio Joe
(21,894 posts)And the buy price is still at a low $5.69 to get everything... And I still bet they put in the Immortal Throne expansion for Titan Quest
(776 posts)I might have to pick it up after all...