Related: About this forumThe Steam Holiday Sale has begun!
What's on everybody's wish list?
I'm looking to pick up
- KoTOR 2
- Walking Dead
- possibly Spec Ops: The Line if it goes to -75%
and maybe some Greenlight games like Miasmata, Afterfall InSanity and Primordia.
And No Time To Explain if it comes out in time...

(20,599 posts)If you don't have it already.
Spec Ops is really good, too. And I see that Portal 2 is ten whopping bucks, so if you don't already have that, get. It. NOW.
(776 posts)I only played the first one, and I wasn't a huge fan. It had pretty environments, but to me that's all it had going for it. I know FC3 isn't made by Crytek, but I think the first kinda soured me. And besides doesn't it use UPlay? I have yet to play Mass Effect 3 because I don't want to bother with Origin and I *love* Mass Effect!
Also my rig is five years old, I don't know how well it would hold up.
I did see the screencaps of FC3 you posted on Steam and they look great. Reminded me of a webpage called Dead End Thrills. It's all screenshots of (heavily modded, I believe) games that make for great wallpapers/screensavers. There's some really good stuff from Portal, Fallout 3, Mirror's Edge, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and much more...
And Portal 2? I playtested (and broke) your custom map, remember?
(20,599 posts)The only thing you've managed to break so far is my heart.
(776 posts)Oh, boy.
(63,426 posts)Occulus
(20,599 posts)The visual mods make the game go from great-looking to snapshot-worthy beautiful.
(776 posts)even though I usually don't much like the fantasy sword and sorcery stuff. But I'm curious to see what everybody else is talking about. I'll probably wait for the GOTY version with all the DLC though.
Also you can turn the big dragon into a pony...
(2,693 posts)next time it comes up for under $5.
But like any bethesda game, the awesome mod'rs out there will make it the game you want to play, even if you did not know it
(unless you buy the game for console, but then again i suppose it is payback for a decade of console players dumbing down games in general).
Skyrim suffers from consoliti's while oblivion it's predecessor can be played without the annoyances such a condition drags along with it.
(776 posts)Now I just gotta wait for Oblivion to go on sale. It's only at -40% now, and for a game that I'd be buying on whim just to see if I like it I'll wait for a better deal. Fallout 3 was made with the same engine as Oblivion, right? I'm currently slogging my way through New Vegas; I really like the game, but it's taking a loooooooooooooooong time, and I'm sure I'm missing half of the things out there...
On Edit: No Deathclaw Gauntlet?! I am disappoint.
I don't have any consoles, although I wouldn't mind having one for two games: Skate and NCAA College Football (I'm sure there is more, but I don't follow console games enough to know about them). I hate EA Sports for having a stranglehold on the NCAA licensing rights and completely ignoring the PC. Actually, you know what I'd really like? A college football management game, à la "Football (Soccer) Manager". I know, I know, I'm weird and it's never gonna happen...
I know what you mean about bad console ports; I don't really care if the graphics aren't amazing enough to make my GPU beg for mercy. What really gets under my skin are things like checkpoint save systems only, badly adapted controls, clumsy menus optimized for control pads only, and generally the oversimplification of games that are supposed to be complex and having to play them as if I were using a controller, even though I'm not and I have a keyboard full of keys at my disposal. But I digress.
The one big positive influence (for me) that consoles have had on PCs is that they have slowed down the hardware arms race. So far my five year old GeForce 8800 has handled everything I've thrown at it. Which may spell trouble for hardware manufacturers, which in turn means trouble for PCs...
But I'm not gonna start ranting...
Ohio Joe
(21,894 posts)I think Borderlands can keep me busy long enough for an X-Com GotY edition with expansions
(8,040 posts)I bought it for a friend of mine for Christmas, and almost folded and got it for myself too. But I've decided to go on a Buying Games Diet. Until I start finishing up all the other games I've got, no X-Com. Even though I'll probably fold like a cheap suit and get it for PS3. Wanna play it on the nice big TV screen from my couch.
(776 posts)X-Com looks really interesting, but I'll hold out for the GOTY. I'm currently making my way through New Vegas (with all the DLC), and I have plenty of games I have yet to even download, so I'm set for quite a while.
Especially after I folded and got the THQ bundle. I have cancer, I pretty much lay home all day, and I still don't have time to play all the games I have on Steam and PS3. And just yesterday, my good friend delivered Persona 4 Golden for the Vita to me as a Christmas present.
Games I'm in the middle of now:
Borderlands 2
Deadspace 2
Saints Row 3
Persona 3 portable
Little Big Planet Vita
Icewind Dale 2
Heroes of Might and Magic 3
Avernum 4
Puzzle Kingdom
Prof Layton latest game
I just finished all the Splinter Cells (Conviction does as of as hell) on steam, so that makes me feel at least a little sense of completion.
Still got tons of steam games i havent downloaded yet. I just downloaded Meat Boy, Psychonauts, Jagged Alliance 2, and Lone survivor, but havent played them yet.
(776 posts)so I think I'll skip it. The little of Super Meatboy that I played made me want to throw my computer out of the window.
Lone Survivor on the other hand I really like; I haven't finished it yet but it's cool so far.
A friend of mine is playing Borderlands and I just gave him my Saint's Row 3 from the THQ bundle, so I may very well revisit those games for some Co-Op.
I also a have a ton of untouched games, so I'm trying to stick strictly to the games i mentioned above, and only if the deals are good, otherwise I can wait, I won't go bored. The only one I am getting with certainty is KotoR2, because I've been waiting to get it for years.
(121 posts)I've wanted to pick up the old Sonic games an Sonic Adventure 1 and 2. I saw the bundle on sale for $30....
Sonic 1,2,3 and knuckles,4 part 1 and 2
Sonic Adventure 1 and 2
Sonic generations
and a bunch of others
Best impulse buy ever. Also got KOTOR 1 and 2 for 5 bucks.
(776 posts)for less than 10 total.
Time for a happy dance.
(29,047 posts)Amnesia is on sale for $9.99. The demo is pretty cool.
I couldn't play computer games on my old computer, but I got a new laptop that can handle some games.