Related: About this forumAnyone go to Friday Night Magic?
I have been going to a local shop that does Friday Night Magic for the past 3 weeks and it has been great times jumping back into the fray. I love this shop because they all play casual and no standard(yet). So, Magic the Gathering players, anyone else participate in Friday Night Magic, and what decks do you run?
I usually use a Red/Green when I play someone new, and after a few matches I either ratchet up the old UltraViolence, or tone it back some. I also love playing Tolarian Academy, Living Death, and Sneak Attack. I got a lot of tribal/theme decks, aka like Elves, Gobbies, Clerics, and Soldiers.
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(8,040 posts)I've been enjoying it a lot, and I've unlocked almost all the cards for every deck (except Dimir....HATE Dimir). I'm kind of chicken skit playing with others.... They always seem to pick the top two good decks and then quit if they are going to lose. I hate the lack of sportsmanship in gaming.
I'd try to go to a Friday game at the local card place but a) I don't have the dough or energy tio go because of the stupid cancer and b) I'm a pseudo nerd, and I have nerdy friends, but I have my limits to hanging with the socially akward, and I quickly reach my limit at that place. Also, can't take my wife, cuz they oggle her and make her uncomfortable (she is damn hot).
(59,305 posts)heard a lot of good things about it. So far the sportsmanship is better than I could imagine, everyone just sitting around having fun and not taking it uber serious. I'm so use to everything being rather tense and a lot of shit talking going on at my old shop(back home) so I came into this FNM thinking it would be the same meat grinder but I was pleasantly surprised at how laid back it is, and how almost all of them dislike Standard.
The only thing I feel self conscious about is my age, I'm close to 40 and have been playing MTG longer than some of these guys have been alive, I think the next oldest guy to me I got beat by 10yrs. I took my son this past Friday, and my wife came with me two Friday's back and we all had a good time. So far most of the players are just starting out, or haven't been playing for a while and just jumped back into the mix. I have a lot of chaff cards(by chaff, extra's to give away) so I've been helping newbie players get a decent start on card supply.
I made three standard decks because I didn't know how serious this new shop was going to be, but if I was going to use one I'd probably go with my White/Red deck, lots of cheapo stuff that I can pump up, creature removal, and a few bigger baddies(like Aurelia the War Leader, and Spark Trooper).
My favorite all around deck is my red/green, lots of Burning Tree Emissary's, Vexing Devils, Rancor, Ghor Clan Rampagers, Giant Growths, Lotus Petals, Lightning Bolts, Shocks and Might of Oaks(this deck is not standard btw). I like going as fast as possible, so I like to get things rocking/rolling very fast, and with the FNM I have to tone it down a bit and to an extent play down to the level.