Sometimes you just have to shake your head and ask... Why?
Shaq-Fu: A Legend Reborn Plans
An Indiegogo confirms rumors (threats?) of plans for a sequel to Shaq-Fu, the brawler that put the FU into fighting games (their motto is, "this time we wont fu it all up"
. The page includes an explanation of how the original game starring now retired basketball star Shaquille O'Neil came to be: "Most celebrity games take a well known face and build a crappy game around it, knowing it will sell." They go on to explain their goal is to "build a game that would kick ass even without Shaq." For his part, Shaq tells the original wasn't awful, because it made money. ''When you talk about the worst, you've got to talk about sales," said O'Neal. "I actually sold a lot of games, but when I did the first `Shaq-Fu,' that was at the end of analog right before digital came out. It wasn't a bad game. It wasn't a good game, but it wasn't awful.'' The campaign is looking to raise $450,000, and this trailer outlines their plans.
No, seriously.... Why?