Related: About this forumWhat are you looking forward to playing?
As the summer slowly blazes away the onslaught of the fall video game release window is opening.
Here are some of the games coming soon:
Everybody's Gone to the Rapture - PS4 exclusive but looks to be interesting
Gears of War Ultimate edition - XBONE exclusive but is probably going to be fun
Madden - yawn
September: (sport game heavy as usual)
NHL 16 - Not much a hockey person
Mad Max - Could be great, could suck eggs
FIFA 16 - Soccer is not my thing but these games sell like hotcakes
NBA 2K16 - Will be picking this up for sure, it's the only way to ensure the Blazers win
NBA Live - Last years game was a giant turd, here's hoping 2K will have some competition
Tony Hawk - early video looks like garbage but I have some hope
Disgaea 5 - 4 was good and this might surprise a lot of people
Uncharted Collection - already have the first 3 but a must buy for anyone that skipped the PS3
Dragon Quest Heroes - this is looking good
Rainbow Six Siege - This could be a really fun multiplayer game
Wasteland 2 (consoles) - Finally the consoles get this game (highly recommend for any RPG fan)
Yoshi's Wooly World - If you have a Wii U this will be a likely pick-up
WWE2k16 - Could be good, hopefully they can honor The Piper with this one
Tri Force Heroes - Zelda, nuff said
NFS - Looks excellent, we all would likely prefer another Underground but this is looking nice
COD BLOPS3 - I'll pass, but many won't
Fallout 4 - SOLD, looking massively forward to this one
Rise of the Tomb Raider - XBONE limited exclusive, looks impressive
Star Wars Battlefront - With the movie right around the corner this is going to sell like hotcakes
These are just some of the games heading our way in the near future. Which ones are you most looking forward to?
I'm all about Fallout 4 but I am a big video game nerd and will play many on this list.

(22,741 posts)And Fallout 4. Other than that, the two I'm really looking forward to aren't out until next year (I don't think): Uncharted 4 and No Man's Sky.
(2,427 posts)I am interested in both of those as well.
I'm on the fence with Battle Front - it looks fantastic but I can never find people to play with. I usually game late night PST during the week, all my friends are sleeping.
They claim to have a decent single player experience but I am no dummy - the appeal of that game is multiplayer for sure.
(4,261 posts)They sound so funny said like that.
(2,427 posts)uriel1972
(4,261 posts)Never was very good at games at all, truth be told /sigh
(1,898 posts)Halo 5
Rise of the Tomb Raider
Fallout 4
Star Wars Battlefront
Forza 6
Gears of War UE
(2,427 posts)Sounds like a good list, I think Fallout 4 is going to be terrific.
Skeeter Barnes
(994 posts)Juicy_Bellows
(2,427 posts)I'd love to have the space for a steering wheel - I have to get by with a controller.
XCOM 2 should be cool - I enjoyed the last one and the original way back when. The procedural map angle sounds fun. Cheers!
(10,413 posts)I've been waiting for this one since I got my PS4 but it is not out yet and I wonder if it ever even will be.
(2,427 posts)I hope to see an official announcement soon, they say they are just getting rid of bugs at the moment. I thought Braid was a really clever game but hard as balls in the later levels. I hope I have an easier go with the Witness. Cheers!
(188 posts)Fallout 4. first day purchase. Just Cause 3 is supposedly being released in December so I definitely want that.
NBA 2k16 and WWE 2k16 maybe after a price drop.
(2,427 posts)NBA2K16 day one as well. I'm a sucker for those games. Other than that maybe another go through Witcher 3.
(10,345 posts)PvZ: Garden Warfare 2!!!!
Sorry, the first one is like my favorite online game right now.
I even wrote a guide for it on
(2,427 posts)Good stuff eh? I usually keep away from games played with others as all my friends are in bed before I play. Stranger danger! Cheers!
(10,345 posts)I highly endorse it!
(2,427 posts)retrowire
(10,345 posts)Juicy_Bellows
(2,427 posts)First Nintendo home console I've ever skipped. I was holding out for a new Zelda or Metroid but it seems they have new hardware coming thus the delay on the latest Zelda. I'm sure we will know more soon.
(10,345 posts)but hopefully the NX will be cool.
(10,558 posts)I am still playing Destiny. With the latest upgrade: The Taken King the game got pretty darned good, arguably great for those thinking that they'd like to try it out for the first time. It's gonna be tough for me to set Destiny aside to play either HALO or Fallout 4...but I will.