Related: About this forumApropos of a discussion with LeftofSelfCentered, here's a Forbes article on Skyrim (contains ponies)
Here's a Forbes article about Skyrim with a disquisition on ponies, SOPA, and piracy:
SOPA, Skyrim, and My Little Pony: Infringement Is Magic?
Like my sig says... I was a victim of the blog explosion... just eating whatever came by.

Ohio Joe
(21,894 posts)We all love it here at work The pony eating the guy brought big laughs, too funny.
Leopolds Ghost
(12,875 posts)He was once an adventurer like you.
(776 posts)I've never been a huge fan of the whole sword and sorcery thing so I haven't played any of the Elder Scrolls games, but that looks pretty funny. I also love that they used Fluttershy's "yay" as a sound for Flutterdragon. I wonder if there are any pony mods for Fallout 3 or New Vegas.
Also apparently there is Pinkie Pie player model mod:
I have downloaded, but not yet installed, the "Mine Little Pony" mod for Minecraft. For any Yogscast fans reading this they did a pretty funny series of videos using the MLP mod called "Sunshine of Israpony". Towards the end they visit some pretty sweet maps of Ponyville, Cloudsdale and Canterlot.
Leopolds Ghost
(12,875 posts)1. Pinkie Pie as a bloodthirsty warrior is frightening, but oddly appropriate.
2. I'd be very much into sword and sorcery games if they spent less time on combat and more worldbuilding.
3. That "yay" is terrifying. Those dead eyes...
4. I've never played Minecraft but it seems to have a huge following, even among people who are not bronies. I'm not exactly sure how the game works, but based on these Yogscast videos, the hydrology of Minecraft continues to amaze me. It reminds me of a certain Star Wars parody...
5. Diggy diggy.