Related: About this forumAnnouncers go silent on two goals.
Watching the LAFC (at home) vs Vancouver Whitecaps game that I had recorded a day ago, I noticed something odd. When Vancouver scored, the announcers went silent. Not a word. No acknowledgement of the goals. I've never seen that happen before. Home team bias, sure, but never that extreme.

(41,451 posts)captain queeg
(11,780 posts)I find it sickening. At that level they ought to be teaching sportsmanship but many times Ive been at a game where they go nuts when the home team scores and barely announce it when the other side scored. After acting like that Im happy to se the home team lose. If it is happening well before the end theres almost silence from the announcers (and parents and fans), although when winning they are over the top cheering. On the other hand Ill ask my son how the other teams players were, expecting them to be similarly obnoxious and he usually said they were fine. In the most extreme cases where the games are reffed by locals it can be very obvious that the calls favor the home team. I guess this stuff pretty much happens when the game is at the home field and the home crowd is much usually larger.
Basic LA
(2,047 posts)I didn't expect it for pro teams, though, in a huge stadium. One thing is that it was a local, not national TV-station, so I guess the announcers were a little more free to show favoritism. The ref was 1st class, however. In fact, a World Cup vet, so no bias there thank goodness. BTW, it was a 2-2 tie.
Ron Obvious
(6,261 posts)But in general, I like it when announcers are quiet after a goal is scored. Especially as opposed to the sort of Mexican-style histrionics which I've always particularly detested. Let the game speak for itself, show the the crowd and the celebration on the pitch and shut up for a few seconds, announcers: it's not about you.
That said, the fact that they only did it when the away team scored when there presumably was little crowd reaction is a bit odd, I agree.
Basic LA
(2,047 posts)I think the play-by-play announcers are almost always first-rate. But the announcers providing "color" are (to me) maddening. Most only obfuscate the game and make it so overly-technical & confusing that it takes me out of the moment. The king of these blabber mouths (again, for me) is Taylor Twellman. Him I have to mute.
The British seem to have to have a better feel for all this in their announcing.
And yes, in the game in question, both crowd & announcers roared when the home team scored. Then were mum for the away team. It ended in a 2-2 tie.