Related: About this forumHere's the Problem with Christian Privilege in the U.S. Government
Heres the Problem with Christian Privilege in the U.S. Government
By Hemant Mehta, June 16, 2019
In this video for The Thinking Atheist, Sarah Levin, Director of Governmental Affairs for the Secular Coalition for America, does an excellent job summarizing the problem of Christian privilege.
As she says, it wasnt that long ago that Catholics were the ones being discriminated against. But now that the Religious Right is in power, theyre perfectly fine pushing their beliefs on everyone else in a way they would never accept if it occurred in the other direction.If you really care about this nation living up to its values, even if youre in the majority, even if the status quo is reflecting your beliefs, you should care about this country enough and be enough of a patriot to be willing to put that aside for the benefits of protecting religious freedom for people of all faiths and none.
The irony is that Levin and other activists arent working to impose atheism upon the country. They want a government thats neutral when it comes to religion. And yet theyre the ones who are always unfairly deemed militant or aggressive. The Religious Right always seems to avoid those labels for no good reason.

Blues Heron
(6,491 posts)you'll pretty much believe *anything*
Gullible doesn't begin to describe you
(15,388 posts)by adults that the children love and trust is extremely effective and difficult to overcome. That's why religion is usually drilled into children before they're even old enough to understand what it is they're being taught. Combine that with negative consequences, often including the threat of eternal torture, for expressing incredulity, or asking the "wrong" kind of questions. Now you have an adult who's been thoroughly conditioned to accept these ideas, and to experience real fear if they ever begin to doubt that they're true.
(49,533 posts)Happens in a lot of places, even otherwise progressive websites.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)Choir!
(148,568 posts)so I can interrupt people during the day and insist that they take one. Why, I can't even count the number of times I've confronted someone with one of my pamphlets and a lecture about atheism.
Wait...I don't do that. Who does that sort of thing? It's impolite and aggressive.
(9,696 posts)Being a door-to-door salesman for religion is also a great career move.
(148,568 posts)However, I understand that there are teams of young atheists out there, knocking on doors to convince people to turn away from religion. They go around on bicyles, wearing dark suits, and are very effective, I'm sure.
Oh, wait...those aren't atheists at mistake.