Related: About this forumHave you ever tried to talk to well I refer to them as American Taliban the Qvangelicals
First of all Im not trying to offend any believers by this ramble I believe ,yet Im not sure if I believe in the in the traditional that a lot of us grew up being taught.
I know quite a few Qvangelicals Taliban types family co workers our youngest daughters in laws. I grew up around them the tent revival types as kid in Appalachia. Actually once a great aunt from our mothers side of the family dragged my twin brother and my one brother who is year younger than us to tent revival once.
So what bothers me with the American Taliban is if you do not worship like they do or believe your up shit creek without a paddle their obsession with the Old Testament the punishment of sin or what they think of as sinful these people are cruel they hate or live in fear of
Woke drag queens
Reading books that they do not approve of
Foreigners well those dark skin foreigners coming to take our jobs huh I think.
Being a demoncrat a democrat
The LGBTQ community these are just few examples of what I feel is how they pervert religion we are to love all. Didnt Jesus break that and deliver us from Old Testament.
So back to my Loon great aunt at tent revival Oh boy they we were two six year olds and five year old on our knees praying confessing our sins trying to get that get out of eternal damnation card. Im not sure what we confessed to as in sin we three probably did not have a meeting afterwards to talk it over.
Really at that age you are really not a heavy hitter in the sinning department, ok sure maybe couple years later you find yourself in puberty and having lustful thoughts. And touching yourself looking at the sears catalogues looking at the women in the bra section, bro check this out is that her nipple I think so.
Is having lustful thoughts a sin and then beating off as teenager probably not yet in the evangelical world definitely is. I can tell you from experience where beating off is definitely a huge no no its the religion of the infantry senior Drill when he discovers the fire guard at say 01:00 beating it on the open toilet. My poor friend dude and i we enlisted on buddy program.
Lights come on in platoon bay everybody GTFO up now front leaning rest position and we were educated that private was letting us all down for his own fucking self pleasure. You scumbags should be grateful to me in catching him in his dereliction of his guard what if there was a fire why you all would be crispier than mess hall bacon.
So we all got roasted and toasted push ups dying cock roaches mountain climbers just to give you a picture no getting out of it dont take it personal its all part of program. So after maybe two hours of paying the price he screams get into your PT gear were starting the day. Monday to Saturday first call 03:00 Sunday was great we first called 06:00.
I got side tracked stay focused Dunc so today as in calling ourselves Christian is this correct so this is what Im thinking or asking questions.
In Galatian 3:28 Jesus spoke in saying something like there is no Man nor woman no Jew or Gentile or slaves or masters.
So that in reading Galatians 3:28 I feel just blows up the idea of organized Christianity what were you thinking Constantine in murdering those that were not Christian. So Jesus was straight to the point as long as you seek God its ok you dont have to seek God in a church or in an indoctrinated religion you seek however you need to because God is within you.
Do you think Christ was saying to us you as living are divine your are the divinity. You do not need a preacher telling you how to live and operate I used to have conversations with Liz we would talk tried to have it with mother in law over coffee this morning I think I scared her she went to do her crossword she is a staunch Lutheran as in shed give Garrison Keillor a run in his Lutheran stories.
Yea Ive been really scaring my mother in law by reading the Apocrypha actually Im re reading the book of Enoch like for the third time. I know I freak her out in asking what if questions what if were actually worshiping aliens what if the agnostics got it right.
Ok anyway just rambling the boys have in school today they left early to workout with baseball team in weight room. Me Im off tonight long night at work last night , traveling to attorneys tomorrow over near Philly two hours away I so trust this woman .
She and my wife were friends they attended law school together and she is helping in closing Elizabeth estate . The details this in trying to well Liz had a substantial 401k + pension her years at Lehman brothers so yea I passed out life insurance to our kids and grandkids.
So yea I have union pension yet in person we have to meet so I wanna ask her if we can break up 401 and gift it to the kids. I do not know yet I do know that this fine attorney will explain it to me in person she doesnt do in depth over phone.
Later Du community have great day.

(38,292 posts)Hope22
(3,608 posts)The American Taliban is a stream that ran quietly through our country and was fed to a flood raged river by our illegal immoral Iraq war. We learned from the best and it has come home to haunt us. Hate and fear, the seed, will be our keepsake for allowing our country to be lied into an immoral war. Im not sure how or if we can recover. My growing up family is small now, all Q trump believers. Any communication with them sparks sickness and dread in my belly. I think they are hopeless cases and our only option for survival is outnumbering them. I think we already do but the machine and the media write the story and work tirelessly to bury the truth. Take care and stay safe. You are doing a remarkable job keeping your young ones close! 🙏💗💗
(15,120 posts)Are you identical twins?
I dont understand the Christofacsists. Religion should promote kindness and love. Its meant to comfort and guide us to peace. At least thats what I think. Its stunning that some humans want the Dark Ages again.
Good luck with figuring out the money stuff.
ms liberty
(10,002 posts)I avoid religion and politics as much as possible with anyone unless I know them or the situation demands me making noise in public. I'm in NC.
Editing to add, it wasn't always this bad, and I really think it's a not good direction for us to be going.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)Those that remain are the hard core, most of whom were indoctrinated heavily from a young age to believe whatever someone else was telling them without any critical filter.
Given this environment it's just a matter of time before someone is going to take advantage of their gullibility and use it for nefarious purposes.