2,000 Bronze Age gold spirals found in Denmark
An unprecedented cache 2,000 gold spirals from the Bronze Age has been discovered in a field near the town of Boeslunde on the Danish island of Zealand. Bronze Age spirals have been found before gold ones in the Syke hoard in Germany, for example, and bronze ones in Poland but these are the first to be discovered in Denmark.
The spirals are made of very thin, very pure, flat gold thread just 0.1 millimeter thick and up to three centimeters (1.18 inches) long. Some of the spirals are complete at up to three centimeters long; some are in small fragments. All totalled, the gold weight of the spirals is between 200 and 300 grams (7-10 ounces). Two gilded fibulae found with the spirals date the find to 900-700 B.C.

Response to icymist (Original post)
Name removed Message auto-removed
(2,932 posts)I see that 2 posts were auto removed.
Hoping all is well. Thank you, icymist, for your work in keeping this group alive.
(15,888 posts)No worries. Nobody is trolling this group.
I can tell you that since I am currently serving on MIRT that all those name removed's was a totally different type of troll.
(2,932 posts)And may the MIRT be with you.
(2,585 posts)...for being such an amazing guard! I love this thread ~ noticed it was the same removals of something or other over at the Anthropology Group too. This thread, Anthropology and the Astrology Groups are the ones I go to most. Who the HELL would want to interfere with a harmless group of people of like interests that aren't hurting anybody? Sheesh!
Love, Cat in Seattle