Please offer your prayers, thoughts, help
This was posted in 'Good Reads' by handmade34
"Wolves to be Poisoned Over Tar Sands"
This isn't over yet...
"Late last week, internal documents went public showing Canada is fretting over its sullied reputation for unfettered fossil fuel development, while resorting to poisoning wolves rather than fixing the problem. NWF released a paper today showing tar sands, oil and gas development in Canada is contributing to the decline in caribou herds. Rather than improve environmental practices to protect and restore caribou habitat, Canadian wildlife officials are poisoning wolves with strychnine-laced bait. The news comes as Alberta and Canadian officials scramble to address environmental monitoring failures that are wreaking havoc up north. Wolf pups are likely innocent victims of Canadian oil and gas development.
(The highly controversial Keystone XL pipeline proposal would move this Canadian dirty oil through the heartland of the U.S. to export, making the U.S. complicit in causing excruciating wildlife culling.) Strychnine progresses painfully from muscle spasms to convulsions to suffocation over a period of hours. The NWF paper says the poison will also put at risk animals like raptors, wolverines and cougars that eat the poisoned bait or scavenge on the carcasses of poisoned wildlife..."
This is personal to me.
All through life I have found wolves, coyotes, foxes all around me. Everytime I went out into nature (camping, work, and more) they have come to me. I have shared meals with them in the middle of the night as the others in the camp only peeked through their tents. We had some family land in South Texas and I found the coyotes there very friendly, they even brought their pups by the 'hunters shack' that we would use, While we were there for us to see. Then later I found a pair of Mexican wolves had moved in and set up a den. When the family was in Alaska on a trip, an absolutely beautiful Timber came to see me in a place the guides had said they had never seen a wolf approach in all their years since it was a place with too many people. I can't count the different foxes that have been around me, even in town.
I'm sorry to ramble on like this, but please keep them in your thoughts. Tusen Takk
Some wolf pics
Arctic Fox kits

(31,046 posts)It is sickening that they are suffering yet another cold-blooded assault.
Tyrs WolfDaemon
(2,289 posts)and I do to.
(16,020 posts)and I signed a petition. I can't tell you how many letters I have written having to do with wolves to no avail. It makes me just ill what is being done to them both in Canada and in the US.
Tyrs WolfDaemon
(2,289 posts)Some days it seems pointless, but the attitudes slowly change (too slow in my opinion). Of course there are those that will never believe wolves are good. I've had to argue with those before and it is always ' they will eat my cows' or 'they attack people and pets' and more like that.
Thank you for your work and I know they thank you too.