The Psychedelic Cult That Thrived For Nearly 2000 Years
The Eleusinian Mysteries are a set of traditions that have been practiced for 2000 years. The popular pseudo-religion invited all, accepting slaves, women, and men, regardless of financial standing and background.
The origin of the group centers on a conflict between Greek gods, with the goddess of agriculture Demeter plunging the world into famine in order to save her daughter Persephone. Let's take a look at the background, the rituals, and a possible explanation for the popularity and longevity of the Eleusinian Mysteries, as well as a place where you can see a modern day recreation of their ceremonies.

(9,323 posts)I don't like the term "pseudo-religion" used in the article.
edit to add link at amazon for reviews.
(15,888 posts)is hardly a pseudo-religion. I believe everyone here can see that as well as another certain religion that has been around for, what? 2,000 years?! I loved this story and I also might add the book The Goddess Letters, if you can find a copy! I got this book on my shelf as a friend gave me a copy when it first came out.