I have lost faith with ANY Christian Church
And frequently, I see there must be a new path of spirituality for me since I am a lesbian. Spirituality has always been a strong part of my life, until none of it fit because I was "a freak" "unholy" and "unclean".
This is my candid appraisal of my spiritual life. I was condemned to Hell when my parents sent me to a Priest (though they are Baptists, thinking he would help) because I loved another woman.
Is there a religion that I can be myself, and acknowledge the spiritual, loving side of myself?
EDIT: I put off spirituality as long as I could, because that side of myself has been received with hostility, judgment and anger.

(62,551 posts)Reasons. Okay, maybe not that different.
Right now, I'm not on much of a path at all, just doing some reading here and there when I can.
And you're not a "freak" to me and many of us here on DU. Take a deep breath, let it out slowly. Hang in there.
PS : I'm an ex-Baptist too.
Always the hardest. I went to Catholic Mass for 4 years in my schools, and felt uncomfortable because I couldn't take Consecration. I was a Protestant in the Catholic church.
I will never regret it, I got the best education I could ask for.
The religious and spiritual aspect? I got my chance to debate it, and not so much because they hoped I'd become a Nun.
I Think that religion more harm to the human experience and women that the Taliban.
Tyrs WolfDaemon
(2,289 posts)You may have to try a few out to see how they fit, but don't worry, you'll find it.
It took me years to find my path and even now it is not always clear. Just don't be afraid to ask questions, and relax (that last part is very important - try to relax).
What are you drawn to? Try to start there.
(39,961 posts)for Catholicism to be so open when being a Southern Baptist was the religion I was offered.
Contemplate that for a moment; The Catholic Church was less conservative than strict Southern Baptist.
(39,961 posts)My baptist parents had a fit over the idea that I might dance.
(15,888 posts)Judging from your posts I can see that they are a big influence in your life at the moment.
(39,961 posts)And trust me, I disagree with them most of the time. My sister is an Evangelical, she is raising my nieces that way, and I can't interfere. My mother is a lovely person that listens to rw bs and it disturbs me.
My father is the epitome of what RW audiences want men to be.
I'm a lesbian that is struggling in this economy in a Red State to be myself.
I don't live with my parents, but I live with my family.
(15,888 posts)Each inhale, see what good you want from life coming in. Each exhale, see what you don't want in life leaving you. Do this a few times each day for a while. Think about and read up on what you may want in a spiritual path. I understand your feelings that your ex-church(s) consider you unclean and unholy. Know that that is not true. You may not know this but I once went through quite a similar situation. There is light at the end of the tunnel, as they say, and things will be getting better. Right now try and envision the good things happening to you. Protect your heart, you are going to need it. Above all, know that you are loved. Bright Blessings, icymist
Tyrs WolfDaemon
(2,289 posts)and didn't I tell you to relax?
Since your family is so important, have you looked into them further back than your recent generations? I'm not talking specifics.
My family has some Spanish in it mixed in with the Norse. We even have a relative that was named Pio Quinto b/c he was Pope Pious V's illigetimate son. I don't know if that makes me or
. Cousin Pio, while being an interesting side note to my family tree, isn't a big influence...well, thinking about it now...I was rasied Catholic, so maybe leaving the church did have something to do with him...
Anyway, when I was very down and began seriously looking, I found the Norse blood in me very strong and through it I found some guidence and some answers - at least for me.
Remember, one foot after the other and move forward...and RELAX. I would say doctor's orders but I wasn't able to finish grad school (Hydrogeology not medicine ).
(47,675 posts)Yes. It is called - yourself. You don't need an organization to give you that which you seek. You obviously already have it.
(4,950 posts)A place you can go that has people who may or may not believe things exactly as you but are cool with that and affirm the best in you. These people don't foster fetishes like the common Jesus fetish or the Abundance fetish. They are not autocrats.
(47,675 posts)It was quite pleasant. Unfortunately, the neighborhood I lived in was not. Walking back we heard a (12 or so) year old girl yell over her shoulder, "Oh YEAH! Well tell him he can just LICK MY ASS!"
I was certain that would be the end of our relationship. We're still together and that was April of '85.
(40,656 posts)are so conservative. It came about from consulting mediums after the death of my parents and my own near death experience. You should seek out a spiritualist church. Check the phone book. You don't need a church to know God or your own self.
(6,257 posts)I think you might be in the right place. I'm not sure what your spiritual views are, but since you are posting this in the pagan group I'm assuming you are open to paganism? Every pagan group I've read about, every pagan I've met, have been extremely supportive of gay men and lesbian women. Every Wiccan group I've done research on has mentioned that they don't share the Christian view that homosexuality is a sin and they welcome gay men, lesbian women, bi people, etc.
Honestly, I'm not sure if I believe in Paganism, but it and Buddhism both greatly inform my worldview and honestly every pagan I've met does a better job of following Jesus's command to love your neighbor as yourself than the vast majority of Christians I've met. I've read a lot about various religions and spirituality in my own search, everything from Catholicism to Thelema, so if you ever want to ask any questions or just talk feel free to send me a PM. I wish you the best in your search.
(1,950 posts)but as others have said, go visit a few churches and "try them on for size" - when your heart feels comfort you will know you have made the right choice.
Welcome to the web site for the National Spiritualist Association of Churches (NSAC). Spiritualism is a religion and philosophy of life focused on joy, harmony, and a fear-free understanding of the continuity of life. Please explore on this site our history, teachings, and locations of churches and camps near you. We're glad you found us.
-- Rev. Lelia E. Cutler, President
NSAC ...The object of this Society is to effect a complete organization of the Spiritualists of the United States of America into one general association... for the advancement of those purposes, undertakings and enterprises germane to the study of the phenomena, the promotion of the Science, and the promulgation of the Philosophy and Religion of Spiritualism.
Spiritualism is the Science, Philosophy, and Religion of continuous life, based upon the demonstrated fact of communication, by means of mediumship, with those who live in the Spirit World.
Spiritualism is founded upon a Declaration of Principles, nine in number, received from the Spirit World by means of mediumship. They provide a firm and tangible foundation on which to base the knowledge of Spiritualism.
(21,046 posts)They are a non-creedal religion. You don't have to swear that you believe in ANYTHING. They accept the questioning, the atheist, the agnostic, the pagan.
(1,687 posts)As a Christian, I can tell you that ALL humans are sinners - you, me, the president, the pope - everyone. Thanks to Jesus, all can be saved, whether they are tax collectors, lesbians, internet message board addicts or whatever.
And yes, a lesbian can be devout Christian and can be saved. Not saying it is easy. It never is. But totally worth it. If they tell you that you can't be saved, don't listen to them; they are wrong.
(15,888 posts)That is why I post in the group Ancient Wisdom and Pagan Spirituality.
(1,687 posts)Tyrs WolfDaemon
(2,289 posts)Are you trying to spread the 'word' to us Heathens?
edit: I thought I would add the following.
Statement of Purpose (For this Group)
A place for pagans, witches, and others to explore spiritual beliefs and ancient wisdom as relating to paganism and other ancient beliefs and philosophies.
I may be a little oversensitive about this, but I dislike Evangelization. I have been on the receiving end of a fair amount of it in my life and don't care for it. Oddly enough, my own father is a Catholic Deacon, and you would think that I get a lot from him about my path not being 'right', but he is actually lot more 'pagan' than some pagans I've known.
(1,687 posts)icymist
(15,888 posts)And Fundamentalist at that. Please don't stir up the wolves.
(1,687 posts)Some may think of themselves as wolves, but others may take offense.
(15,888 posts)Okay, so you're not fundamentalist. Your from of Christianity is of the form that is here now, in this age. When you are arguing that you know truth, in as you KNOW that two people didn't sin, you are taking on a form of that religion that is well known as to convert others at all costs. Is that yours? I love my lesbians as well as all my others that have come here. So, as Trys asked, why are you here? Do you want to learn from us? We will gladly teach.
(1,687 posts)For starters, I'm not the person who called people wolves. For lots of people, that has a negative connotation. Also, calling people fundamentalists is also not nice. Chill.
My Christianity comes from Christ. It is here and now, for the future and stretching back thousands of years.
We don't "convert at all costs". People have to choose or it does not count.
I came to talk and tell someone she is as deserving of love and respect as everyone esle. I didn't realize people would be so touchy and unwelcoming.
Tyrs WolfDaemon
(2,289 posts)The world would be a better place. It is usually more offensive when people assign human characteristics to the wolves.
(11,735 posts)Having faith in God will help get you where you are going. Wherever that might be.