Is It Acceptable to Charge for Spiritual Services?
One issue of spirited debate in the Pagan and Wiccan communities is that of whether or not it's acceptable to charge for teaching classes or performing services. One school of thought says it's never okay -- after all, knowledge is something that should be shared freely, at no charge to a student, because you can't put a price on spirituality. Another group argues that of course it's fine to charge - after all, teachers need to make a living too. Many people fall somewhere in the middle of all this and say it's okay to take money for teaching, as long as it isn't an exorbitant amount. Let's look at some of the pros and cons of charging for one's services, in a spiritual capacity.

(10,337 posts)You are not doing it right.
(15,888 posts)eom
(10,337 posts)icymist
(15,888 posts)eom
(10,337 posts)Your sky fairy, their sky fairy, if you honestly think that your interpretation of the universe is any more valid than anyone elses, you are not seeing the big picture. I have no doubt that things are happening in this vast universe that we don't understand but I'm pretty sure you don't understand them any better than I do. But, feel free to think that your interpretation is the one correct truth. Just don't get upset when I question your interpretation.
(15,888 posts)rrneck
(17,671 posts)out of their lives to the benefit of others, that's time not spent screwing other people out of money.
Spiritual leadership should be a pretty good get by living, but no more.
(15,888 posts)Frankly, you cannot buy spirituality and experience. However, there are some aspects of the Craft which one cannot perform alone such as a handfasting (as the article states) and Pagan clergy visiting the sick or incarcerated. I have no problem with reimbursing the time of people performing these.
(27,670 posts)

(17,671 posts)(maybe), buy you can buy fellowship. Megachurches sell it by the boatload. They are able to do so because it's mass produced.
It takes training and not a little work to bring people together. I could write what I know about paganism in a matchbook with a grease pencil, but I'm willing to bet that there are important communal aspects related to the practice.
I appreciate the distinction you make between spirituality and practice. People should be compensated for doing real world stuff with real world money. By the same token, spirituality is its own reward. When any practice of faith is involved, compensation can become problematic. When it comes to faith, if experienced fully, doing and being become one in the same. And the effort expended to facilitate that experience for others becomes a function of the emotional investment of the facilitator. Should s/he be paid for a "labor of love" or starve in the name of faith? Certainly on no account should one be compensated for fostering spirituality. If you do that you're just selling people something they've already got.
Good OP. I appreciate the chance to sort this out.
(15,888 posts)Megachurches can be bought by the boatload. But to get into Wicca or another Pagan religion, you had better have your crap together. It's much more than communal aspects because you are dealing with the Gods and Goddesses on a very personal basis. It would be like the old saying from a Terry Pratchett book asking if you knew God. The witch replied, "That's silly. It's like asking me if I knew the postman!" Can you see why this type of experience cannot be bought or sold?
P.S. I am glad you are sorting this out.
Behind the Aegis
(55,172 posts)To me, this is no different than someone seeking to learn to play the piano. In most cases, the instructor will be compensated. There are cases where some teach free classes from time to time, but I also believe if they do so willingly, then that is their choice.
(1,000 posts)This is really a tough one and I think should be handled on a case by case basis.
A local coven leader was having trouble with her group and asked me to help her. First I had her sit down and list all of the things she did, and how much time and or money it took her. She was shocked. She spent at least 35-40 hours a week minimum making arrangements, answering posts, writing at least one thought provoking post each week, hosting a coffee night, always hosting major rituals in her home, etc. She spent about $500 a month on all of this, and never asked for donations, just help with the clean up.
Another leader, Owned a store, made good money at it, charged for readings or hosting rituals ($20) very reasonable, but always got the money up front.
I perform and teach past life regressions. I paid $200 to take the class, plus gas and time. I practiced for free until I became good at it, then I charged a reasonable fee. I do them at gatherings usually on a barter basis that is fair, or do classes again for a reasonable fee. I have done several for free to help people who could just not afford it.
My time and energy are worth money, and I don't think that a moderate compensation is out of line.