Number 11 has been forever one of the magickal numbers. It has many meanings.
From my personal perspective, it means liberation from the mundane world. ( hence my screen name, 2+1+8 = 11.)
The tree of life has 10 branches. The tree of "death" has 11. It's not real death, just death of the chains of physicality. The spirit, the flame within us , is who we truly are. Not the bones and flesh, or material possessions.

Angry Dragon
(36,693 posts)darkangel218
(13,985 posts)Not in my view anyway. Do you know anything about ancient Kabalah and their tree of life? 10 is balance. 11 is liberation of the spirit, ascendence. Don't we all seek to ascend afterall? And if 11 means balance in your opinion, what number represents ascendence?
Angry Dragon
(36,693 posts)darkangel218
(13,985 posts)The status quo of our life is translated into number 10. We are born, we have kids, we die.
11 on the other hand, represents the awakening of our black flame, the kuandalini. The essence of who we truly are. The promethean spark of life. 11 has nothing to do with balance , stagnation and status quo.
(28,017 posts)darkangel218
(13,985 posts)kentauros
(29,414 posts)That's a quote from an old negativland collage-rock cut called "Time Zones." There's an excellent animation for it on YouTube if you want to look it up
And then there's the 11:11 thing, with meanings like it's a "stargate" or you have an opportunity to "make a wish of the universe" or something like that. I do know in numerology, it's one of the first of three "master numbers", with the other two being 22 and 33.
I didn't know there was a "tree of death". By your definition, would it symbolize more of a "tree of rebirth"?
(13,985 posts)It symbolizes going back to the inner essence , instead of material creation. Kind of like the gnostic philosophy, if you're familiar with it.
(29,414 posts)I've always thought it was kind of fascinating, though I will admit I'm not much of a reader when it comes to that kind of thing. The now defunct magazine called Gnosis did introduce me to Gnosticism in a fashion, along with other world spiritual philosophies and thought.
I have read the Kybalion, but I know that's not the Kabalah. Thank you for the information on it