Ann Romney's chart
Sun in Aries
Venus in Aries
Mars in Aries
North Node in Aries
Mercury in Taurus
Saturn and Pluto in Leo
NEPTUNE opposite Mars
Jupiter square Sun/Venus/Mercury
nuff said.

Sanity Claws
(22,137 posts)elleng
(138,872 posts)(not me.)

(476 posts)I see lion, rams, bulls and a half man half horse with a bow and arrow. Looks pretty aggressive to me.
(6,096 posts)Ricochet21
(3,794 posts)just read it
it is self-evident
If I translate it, that will limit it's banality
Melissa G
(10,170 posts)What a chart!
I'm sure you have Mittens chart probably posted in another place, but could you repost in this thread for grins?
Fiery critter, ain't she? That subconscious is gonna wanna lecture all us little people who are so beneath her. Wow... just wow.
(3,794 posts)I really don't want to breathe any life into Mr. Romney's chart
He's very soul sick
Forgive me
It's all about, "I've never been so accepted socially", so F U to all of you.
That's all I'll say.
Melissa G
(10,170 posts)Very sad for him but an understandable match with Queen Ann whose out of balance fire is burning her up.
Fire Walk With Me
(38,893 posts)and will turn that revenge upon the entire country given an opportunity. I "get" this but did not have it in those words. Thanks!
(2,185 posts)entitlement, arrogance in spades..
the Aries/Mars dominates.. which is probably her favorite word.
the moon in Sag points to her affinity w/horses..
and lots of Neptune.... involved with Mars..
which is she's righteous about her delusions...
And she's married to a...Pisces?
Love to see the composite chart...
Melissa G
(10,170 posts)the data on both? If so, pm me and I will create it.
(3,794 posts)birth time
actually, I do have his:
9:51 am Detroit
have at it
(3,794 posts)and besides, there IS no one except Ann, Mitt is just another of her toys
(3,794 posts)entitlement
you got it
Melissa G
(10,170 posts)Sun 21 Pis 11 Pluto 11 Leo 22
Moon 27 Sco 37 N. Node 5 Gem 29
Mercury 13 Pis 55 Asc. 1 Gem 01
Venus 8 Aqu 33 MC 6 Aqu 43
Mars 6 Pis 14 2nd cusp 25 Gem 00
Jupiter 27 Sco 33 3rd cusp 15 Can 14
Saturn 2 Leo 24 5th cusp 4 Vir 09
Uranus 17 Gem 51 6th cusp 13 Lib 25
Neptune 9 Lib 56
He is a pretty cold, indecisive dude, so he desperately needs Ann's fire and drive.
edit to say: Upon reading more of this chart, I can really see Rick's unfavorable opinion.
This guy is all over the map and possibly quite a lot of those places are dark, ruthless, irrational and into unhealthy fantasy. Plus, he has that me generation stuff as well as the Piscean melding with his environment. Since he chose to match himself up with Queen Ann, her unpleasantness is going to exacerbate his darkness. My 2 cents.
(3,794 posts)the Venus opposition to Saturn/Pluto in the IV, up and down the midheaven/nadir
that's the problem
(31,170 posts)Ricochet21
(3,794 posts)when you are just placing the planets in the signs, usually, sometimes it does since the Moon can move up to 13
degrees in one day.
(31,170 posts)I asked because house placement matters to me too
You can get his houses but will a less accurate method for hers
Doesn't matter she's al me me me and out of control wo the houses
(3,794 posts)best source is in france
I hear Lois Rodden's databank is now on line for free
She was THE source for most people:
(5,510 posts)....well, not anybody who matters! Is her middle name "EGO"?
Anything in there EXCEPT fire? Yikes!
(3,794 posts)remember, her nature, she CAN'T do anything else
she found the right man
(5,510 posts)actually be an Ann presidency. I've said all along that she "cuts his meat for him". SHE was driving the jet ski on their vacay. In a photo op earlier this year, they were making cupcakes, or some such, at a business & she literally pushed him out of the way, took the spatula from him & did it FOR him! You could tell it was done in an unconscious, this-is-what-is-natural-for-us, manner. I knew then that she'd been "raising" him all along.
(713 posts)Nightly News (I think) but could have been a morning show, not sure. It was a couple weeks ago. Anyway, the thing that struck me was that she said something like "Well yes we will cut programs, and it will not be easy for everyone but it has to be done". And whoever was interviewing her replied, "So are you saying you will be weighing in on policy??" And of course then, both she and Mitt-Wit
tried to smooth it over. I knew right then what the real deal was, you don't have to be psychic to get her number, and
(6,163 posts)"Romneys Wife to Stand Next to Him at Debates"
"But Mrs. Romneys statement doesnt pass the smell test, says University of Minnesota political science professor Davis Logsdon, who studied the Romneys Sunday appearance on NBCs Meet the Press and noticed Mrs. Romney emitting a series of barely detectable signals and cues."
The above poster referenced original story at 20
This also makes me wonder if the report about Mitt's brain injury has more merit than anyone thinks.
(2,649 posts)He's so dang funny.
(273 posts)This campaign season has been so absurd it's getting difficult to tell the difference between the joke and the reality.
magical thyme
(14,881 posts)on the other hand, convenient if you want to toast marshmallows year round.
Seriously, she must be a real treat to be around in real life....
self-realized sadge
(10 posts)You sound like a trip to the beach yourself...
(2,649 posts)
magical thyme
(14,881 posts)Yikes...I think I must be doing something right to have garnered my own personal troll
I like the fluffy pink cloud of love coming out of that Troll Be Gone! Thanks to the Moderators, that one sure didn't last long. I'm impressed!!!!
(22 posts)was sort of perplex me. I mean, here we are all spiritual and stuff, and we are dissing a woman with MS? Dissing anyone seems against what we purport to be about, but especially a woman who has suffered greatly, I would imagine.
(18,186 posts)Like all the people Mittsy put out of work so he could pay himself big bonuses and take that money to the Cayman Islands?
How are those people faring? Do they have health insurance? Fancy horses that they try to claim $70,000 deductions for? Nope.
There are people with MS all over the country, who have no millions to help them through their disease.
And if Mittsy gets in, they won't even have disability or Social Security in their old age! Because wonderful millionaires like the Romoneys are jealous of people who get a grand a month after working all their lives.
You don't know the meaning of suffering, obviously, and neither does that Ice Queen Ann
magical thyme
(14,881 posts)but thank you for singling me out from all the other posters here who join me in not "getting" Ann's great suffering.
Hey, you lasted 22 entire posts this time. Running out of socks yet?
(4,225 posts)HAHAHAHA!!!!1 Love the Troll Be Gone Kookaburra.
(2,649 posts)Must have been a real nightmare having those two as parents.
Good grief!!!
(3,794 posts)like the dog
get the red out
(13,698 posts)From an Irish Setter site:
The Irish Setter has been termed by artists to be the most beautiful of all dogs. With its flowing, silky red coat, long ears, soft expression and regal bearing, this dog turns heads wherever it goes.
Poor Seamus was bred to be the perfect doggie ornament. But being only that he wasn't treated very regally.
Fire Walk With Me
(38,893 posts)nc4bo
(17,651 posts)cr8tvlde
(1,185 posts)My program has Ann's Mercury in late Aries ... 4/16/1949 ...Wow ! Grand Trine/6 planets and Node in Fire. Mitt is mostly Water and Air. No grounding in Reality for either of them.
My mother has a Grand Trine in fire, and she can NOT (forgive the caps here, not shouting, just trying emphasize) stand to be ignored. It really is all about her. Those poor kids and I can relate.
(18,775 posts)I'd almost see it as a heavy-handed swing toward a sense of self and self assertion that was lacking in the past. Like she really, really needed all that Aries energy to get it done.
special snowflake.
(10 posts)And although I have never been too friendly with Aries types (and as a Sadge I am supposed to be), I am thinking her Moon in Sadge makes up for everything
(2,649 posts)I'm still surprised when we get a troll over here.
Sweet Freedom
(4,029 posts)Their posting privileges have been revoked.
(3,794 posts)everybody thinks Sag is the magic answer to everything; a very common belief
it will get her out of trouble at 11:59, most of the time, but in the case of her chart
it makes her totally UNACCOUNTABLE for anything she does
Sag has a lot of down side that they never get "credited" for. Look at the financial collapse,
that was all from free-wheeling credit during Pluto in Sag 1995-2008
The whole chart must be looked as one piece
(14,807 posts)master debater.
(6 posts)Sadges rock, the end.
master debater.
(6 posts)Guilty as charged.
Rather that than Saturnine...
(4,225 posts)
(14,807 posts)Ricochet21
(3,794 posts)she'll spend your money for you
(14,807 posts)Manifestor_of_Light
(21,046 posts)Ricochet21
(3,794 posts)I thought I'd give my wrapup perception.
The "problem" with Ann is the COMBINATION of all those factors. Granted, the MOON IN SAG is quite often a wonderful
placement, esp for those with too much up tight Scorpio, Capr, Cancer, Taurus, Virgo etc.
it loosens them up
BUT, when you already have a chart WITH WAY TOO MUCH SELF-ABSORBED ARIES, it blows the top off.
You must realize this:
She FEELS entitled.
We all express the archetypes within us.
(2,185 posts)C'mon.. give us more homework.
We love the challenges....
ah...weehoppa.....Tell me why the Moon in Sagittarius CAN BE a very bad influence in the wrong chart....
I was hoping you'd post the basics of Michelle Obama's chart,
and let us play with that for a while,
comparing her to Queene Anne of RMoney..
moon in Sag...
sheesh.. loose with emotional attachments,
bad mother (too interested in running around)-
and a 'FU' attitude toward the feelings of others...
but I'm just riffin'...
Let's move off Ann... enough about her.
Sweet Freedom
(4,029 posts)(no birth time, so used noon)
1/17/64 Chicago
Sun Capricorn
Moon Pisces
Mercury Capricorn
Venus Pisces
Mars Aquarius
Jupiter Aries
Saturn Aquarius
Uranus Virgo
Neptune Scorpio
Pluto Virgo
True Node Cancer
(2,185 posts)Solid foundation under her feet;
but her moon bespeaks great compassion, as does her Venus.
The Aquarius planets are her visionary discipline.
I wouldn't mess with Michelle, but she won't walk all over you like Ann would.
Michelle lay it out for you...
my moon is in sag
(3,794 posts)can be wonderful, all depends on the rest of your chart, as always
(88 posts)Could you please what date and time and place you use for her birth?
Moon in Sag, at least she used to care about social justice...
(3,794 posts)it's the combo of TOO MUCH FIRE, all the Aries with the Moon in Sag
Fire Walk With Me
(38,893 posts)While extolling her own suffering, Ann Romney complained about how You People have demonized the great compassion evinced in The Mitt Romney, and added, And for people to think that we dont have empathy just because were not suffering like theyre suffering is is ridiculous. Its its ridiculous to think that you cant have empathy for somebody thats struggling.
Mrs. Romney did concede that their suffering has not been financial, contrary to the story of tuna on the ironing board told at the RNC. But she is here to tell you that just because they havent suffered financially doesnt mean they havent suffered; she has MS. She wants you to believe in their compassion.
Watch here via NBC:
(video at link)
Melissa G
(10,170 posts)in the debates with Clinton and Perot. His discussion of relating to the suffering of others is an academic reaction. Clinton does the big emotional connect in a follow up response.
There is a link to this floating around on DU thread this week.
Why Syzygy
(18,928 posts)Their empathy credibility might hold some sway IF they had empathy for a poor lame horse and a motion sick dog!
OTOH . I don't want a friggin thing from "those people" like her. Nothing is authentic.
get the red out
(13,698 posts)These two couldn't look up empathy in the dictionary, the word would hid from them in the pages.
(138,872 posts)he knows and doesn't like 'people like her,' on Rachel show.
(138,872 posts)get the red out
(13,698 posts)So let's try it MORE! LOL, couldn't happen to a nicer couple.
My Grandmother always said, referring to any unlikable couple, "hope they never divorce because then they might go out and ruin two decent people's lives."
(138,872 posts)Tumbulu
(6,508 posts)

(21,046 posts)