Please send light to our President and his family
I am getting a strong vibe that we need to send love, light and protection.
Thank you so much.

(153,050 posts)
(2,185 posts)How have you been, sweetie!
(153,050 posts)I'm fine, and thank you!
(8,423 posts)
(6,163 posts)Sending love, light, and protection.
(14,642 posts)we get so easily caught up in the back & forth or the speeches, etc...but let's not forget we CAN help things along on an Energetic Level!
I choose to concentrate on TRUTH, HOPE, COOPERATION and CHANGE.... and yes, i will be putting a gold bubble of light around the whole family in my morning prayers...
(713 posts)
(6,504 posts)I know that so many of us keep a constant vigil of protection around them, but something really hit me last night which I am not able to really explain. I feel so grateful that I could come here and share my feeling with all of you.
Thank you for being such a wonderful group for me.
(8,423 posts)What color does it feel to have? I hope it is all positive, especially if we wax it up with love and light!
(6,504 posts)at a picture that someone had posted of President Obama walking down the stairs of the aircraft towards another event....and I was just seized by a strong fear feeling.
I don't get these all the time, but I do pay attention to them when I do.
When I was a child I got a severe headache (have gotten less than 10 in my life), and had to go to bed with some sort of terrible belly pains...I lay in bed in a terrible state sweating and miserable and very tense. For hours it seemed. I turned the radio on and the report was that Robert Kennedy had just been shot. The whole physical thing passed and I felt that my body had known about it somehow.
So, I pay attention to these out of the blue reactions. I try to send positive energy....
Sorry I cannot describe it in more detail.
Thank you.
(8,423 posts)I vote for positive light!
(6,096 posts)this family safe and sound for many many more years.
Thank you for reminding us.
get the red out
(13,683 posts)That's one of my daily prayers. It's a good idea no matter what. Love vs the crazy.
(4,225 posts)For you Tumbulu.... ANYTHING.
(6,504 posts)
(6,096 posts)President Obama and his family in your thoughts. As I was reading posts
in other forums, i got a strange vibe when someone was talking about October
surprise....and other posts re: How the Romney campaign could steal the election.
Then someone posted something about wanting to know when President Obama was going to go to Atlanta campaigning and I didn't like the feeling I got.
How far will Romney go IF the election cannot be stolen??????
I think the man is raging inside, as is his wife.
Blessings to the Obama family and our election win!!
(713 posts)The election is all but lost for the repubs. He's even losing the only demographic he had left, white men. I had a concerning feeling that since they know there is no hope for a win, or even a close election where they might be able to manipulate votes and try and steal the election..that I wouldn't put it past them to try and do something to Obama. They are just desperate and misguided (sick) enough to try it. I would not put it past them. We all need to remember to send light to the president and his family and then put a protective shield around them after sending the light.
(3,794 posts)right at them!
(22 posts)Including all those terrorized by drone attacks.
(18,186 posts)Rmoney is tanking, so your time would be far better spent working to fool people outside of DU.
However, as long as you're here, I suppose you aren't torturing small animals or tripping old ladies.
And that's great. But we aren't a babysitting service for Rightwing fools....
(4,225 posts)LMAO!!!! This is the second post on ASAH today that I've seen you clean that trolls clock!!! HHHHHHHOOOOOWWWWWWLLLLLLLLLLLL! I just LOVE you Tsiyu!!!
It was a beautiful thing to watch!!!! That silly Fucker.
(18,186 posts)You would think if their candidate is tanking, they'd be out there phone banking or something.
Why would they come here of all places?
Anyhoo, I love opening your posts and seeing all the smilies on parade.
You are one of my heroes and I luvs you
(4,225 posts)O! O! O! Tsiyu Wait till you see the english poppers this year (In Time For the holidays) I just gottem in the mail, I'm so excited.
(18,186 posts)They SOOOO cheered my friend up last year when he was so sick.
Glad to report he is doing so much better, won his SS case and will be getting several years back payments as a lump plus a decent amount to live on monthly.
He's got a girlfriend coming in to town so I promised to help him clean his place tomorrow morning. Or today morning. I need to get to sleep but insomnia is my new best friend lol
Where's you get the new poppers?
Maybe he will even feel like laughing this year now that he has reason to smile. Thats WONDERFUL news Tsiyu!!!! I'm so happy for you and him and his girlfriend!!!
You are such a good friend Tsiyu. Helping him clean house.
I get them here
master debater.
(6 posts)No wonder it's easy to excuse drone attacks and bloodbaths. It's not happening to "us.."
(713 posts)to those who are the victims to ease their fear, pain and suffering and hope that they find some peace; and to the ones who may deemed the aggressor, perpetrator, or misguided to open their hearts, so that they will begin to embody compassion and empathy for others. The only way the cycle will be broken is to send light to all sides.
(6,504 posts)I learned that President Obama will be dedicating the Cesar Chavez national monument in Bakersfield on Friday. Now I lived there for many years and it is in this part of the country that people used to spit at me- I kid you not-in public places like grocery stores- because I was an organic farmer- oh such a serious crime!!~!!!! Oh yikes!!!!!!!!!! and so I am all on alert again. This is teaparty heavenland and there are a good number of people all fired up by hate radio 24/7. Lots of rampant racism as well.
I am going to be sending extra protection for him and the secret service while there. It has a Dallas feel to it for me. Now I realize that I am way over the top with worries like this, but one reason I come here to be with all of you is that I feel it is OK to share these feelings with all of you. Thank you.
(6,163 posts)The thought to send him and his family protection popped into my head last night just as I was dropping off to sleep.
It was so out of the blue that I immediately surrounded him and his family in a bubble of white light. I forgot about it until I just noticed this thread pop up again.
I will make sure to do so again tonight.
Thank you for the reminder, Tumbulu!
(14,642 posts)and sending Always good to remember to surround those we consider fellow light workers more Light
Response to FirstLight (Reply #29)
Post removed
(12,272 posts)It is good to share these feelings, we know we are not alone and it reinforces our resolve and gives direction to our energy.
I have said it before, I know there are Mormons who practice dark magik, the church 's history is full of occult symbolism, masonic influence and talk of spirits. It has been cleaned up so they could go mainstream, but that is only on the surface.
(4,225 posts)I trust all Of Your intuitions So count me in Sending.
(4,225 posts)
Damn My gif won't work anymore! Wonder if its because of presidential Debate Night And The traffic .

(8,423 posts)The alert folks about the uncon-troll-able.
raina starling
(27 posts)This is a big ole world, honey. You know, DIVERSITY? Do you really value differences or just need someone to (((echo what you're saying)))) all the time?
(12,272 posts)And then you post this, time for some introspection.