Another example of the old standards dying out...
The Symbol of the State Fair of Texas, "Big Tex", (a large inflated cowboy) caught fire on Friday and is no more.
I believe it was 60 years ago that he was permanently placed there at the entrance.
I guess it was in the stars.
I like to think it also means, that a red state might be changing to at least purple.

(53,235 posts)Saokymo
(273 posts)I really feel that Big Tex's self-immolation is an omen of change. It's simply time.
Texas is already purple. Don't let the media polls fool you. It has been since the last Presidential election cycle for damn sure, if not longer. The Republicans think they have this state sewn up thanks to all their gerrymandering and voter suppression efforts, but they keep forgetting one key detail.
Texans are as fickle as the weather, and we don't say anything about it until after the change has happened.
I may have been young when it happened, but I do remember when this state flipped from solid Democratic through Governor Ann Landers to solid red through Baby Bush. It really wasn't all that long ago; mid-90's or so. When we change, we change hard and fast.
(23,663 posts)
I lived in Dallas for many years and agree.
Thanks for the post, Kimmers!

(2,649 posts)Saokymo
(273 posts)I've been having trouble keeping names straight lately.
(2,649 posts)It just made me laugh seeing Ann Landers.
(273 posts)kimmerspixelated
(8,423 posts)I happen to live in an area that is largely reddened(blushing..haha) and yet I have seen more Obama signs than RR. I see progress, and I feel that if Virginia can do it( when nobody thought they would) than so can Tejas!
(8,423 posts)I was out of state during those years, but what a great lady! I always wanted her to run for president! Remember that Doritos commercial involving the Cowboys, and she said "...they always won when she was in office!" (at that time Bush was gov.)?
(5,510 posts)Good-bye, old structures!
(3,794 posts)58 years
2 cycles of Saturn
good riddance
time for "specialness" to die