*~ Winter's Visionary, Intuition & Dreaming Thread! ~*
I was thinking that since this time of year & the LONG Nights lend themselves to Dreaming into reality what we choose for the next Cycle.
As we pass thru the portal of 12/12 to 12/21 and beyond...let's share and commune our deep knowing and visions of what may come to BE...Inside and outside.
To be, or not to be: that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep;
No more; and by a sleep to say we end
The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to, 'tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep;
To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub;
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
(Here's the idea/guidelines: please post if this is a Spontaneous Vision or an Invoked Vision or Dream...AND whether it is Personal or Communal as the case may be...that way we can reply to the individual visions and not get too lost...have fun!)

(14,642 posts)I hate to begin this thread on the 'wrong foot' and yet I fear that the impending shifts and changes are going to make these events more prevalent. while it isn't a vision, so much as a gut feeling, i get that the days leading up to 12/21 will get pretty crazy on some level of consciousness, and it will especially effect those who are our of harmony in their mind/body/soul connection. some say the issue with higher dimension is that you have instant manifestation - imagine when that happens to someone who is full of hate and fear. and they usually try to take others with them when they pop. so be careful out there people, and LOVE eachother as much as we can...hold all our brothers and sisters of humankind in an embrace of peace and goodwill...
and I join with our President in the prayer for us all who grieve... "heal their broken hearts, and bind up their wounds."
Fire Walk With Me
(38,893 posts)in order to unify and process and send healing to any in need, now and in the future. We have to maintain our own positive vibration and also assist those who suffer.
(75,480 posts)never seem to be positive predictions. It's one of the reasons I won't read Tarot cards for anyone. I always seem to get bad futures. I dropped the novel I was writing last week because I had the inspiration for a new one. Unfortunately, it was prophetic. It was about a nurse arriving at work one day and finding the clinic she worked at full of children who were gunshot victims. It was supposed to be about how the lives of the victims and the people surrounding them change in an instance. OMG! Was my inspiration really a premonition?
(14,642 posts)
I haven't had much clarity, just a general feeling that everything is gonna 'shake loose' and we have yet to see what chips will fall...

(18,186 posts)I need to be doing a million things, but I wanted to stop in here and ask us all to send light to all schools today and throughout the week.
Sadly, there may be some lost souls who try to copycat Friday's events.
Just asking everyone to do whatever it is they do to think of someone needing protection.
You all know what I mean, meditate, send light, whatever.

Thank you and I hope all are coping okay with this roller coaster of a year's end.
(14,642 posts)not just schools, but everywhere....
Lots of people out and about, lots of crazies, lots of tension and it is weird and surreal to see how many are "popping" before the 21st...this week will be a narly one, testing our ability to hold our flame of light and love sacred and safe and still within.
(18,186 posts)It's like all the weaker souls see is a cliff - and the media spin the "cliff" meme, and they're just jumping headlong.
To me, it's "what do I want to be doing if the world IS coming to an end? Freaking? Hurting others?" Nah, I want to be near people I love and enjoying what's left of life.
So I'm going to go make cookies ( already late lol what else is new - but the doughs are all pretty much made and chilling ) and enjoy this day and hope for many more good ones for all of us.
We have to maybe try to hold up stronger for those who can't.