Your intent must be complete.
major (for me) download this morning. per my guides, it's ok to share.By this I mean it must include all of your emotions, not just the positive, happy, optimistic ones. All of them. That does not mean you should manufacture anger or fear or rage for the purpose of enlarging or empowering your intent. It does mean that if you have pre-existing anger, rage, pain, fear or any other so-called negative emotions that are in any way related to your intent, you must also harness that energy. Otherwise, you can only be partially successful at best.
That is why repeating affirmations, while useful in keeping your available energy focused on your intent, is not enough to manifest your desires. If you have buried pain, anger or rage in any way related to your intent, that energy is locked up, unavailable to your purpose. Your intent will not be sufficient to power you through obstacles that appear. And, in a surprisingly efficient way, you will be especially vulnerable to obstacles that appear related to the subject of your suppressed emotions. Obstacles appear when people or events are at cross-purposes. When your full energy is available to you, you do not experience obstacles because you can easily slip through like water through a filter. But every time you face an obstacle related to a buried emotion, the energy you need to power through that obstacle will be locked up and unavailable exactly when you need it. Furthermore, your own locked up energy becomes caught in the filter of cross-purposes; that is what creates the blockage. And that is why you appear to attract the same negative experiences or failures of intent, over and over.
To harness that energy, to prevent those blockages, you must first uncover the energy. That is where the work comes in. Your conscious mind will not want to uncover those negative feelings. They are, frankly, painful. Society does not welcome them. You have been programmed to believe that they are bad, that to have bad feelings makes you a bad person. So why in the world would you want to uncover them?
Because you must. Negative feelings in response to negative events in your life do not make you a bad person. They make you a whole human. It is only what you do with those feelings that matters. Burying them inside is better than acting them out, at least for society as a whole. Until that locked up energy manifests as a diseased body, at which point it costs everybody. You most of all. Acting out those feelings may feel better to you temporarily, but Society may come down on you like a ton of bricks, you will cause harm to others, and your soul will be diseased.
It is only when you do the painstaking work of uncovering every buried emotion related to your intent, and harness it to your purpose, that you can be fully successful at manifestation. Because it is only then that you can bring your whole self to bear on your purpose; it is only then that you can pass through the filter of cross-purposes.
(12,149 posts)"They make you a whole human". Amen.
(8,423 posts)Clean and clear.
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Why Syzygy
(18,928 posts)This reminds me so much of what I've been noodling for a few days. Been doing a lot of Tsarion and staying offline most of the time. He always leads me to make new connections.
I read the other thread about the ghost drawing . the upside down triangle. I knew it was a female symbol, because Michael talked about it just the other day. I have found myself outraged when contemplating what the patriarchal overlord system has done to us, all of us. They've done this by outlawing the feminine. Exclusively men are allowed to perform the rights that women used to perform. They dress up like women, and that's supposed to pass muster. It's a disgusting perversion. And we see the results in large and small scale.
That energy you talk about is the feminine. The dark. The things we cringe away from. Your guidance is right. We have to embrace that.
Your post made me think: on a mundane level I think this is what we see going on with PMS. That time is meant to be spent in the dark of the moon. Retreat. Musings. Maybe even things that are unacceptable by today's standards, depression? Wine and chocolate? Our perfectly normal feelings and customs have been made a joke in public culture. Of course we're going to act like a bitch! LEAVE ME ALONE . ya know.
But it does have to start on the individual level. It has to change in our hearts and minds before the sad state of affairs on this planet can be set right. It won't be a struggle if most of us are right with our selves, conscious/unconscious, male/female.