Copied verbatim from Byron Katie from Facebook
The Work of Byron Katie
Just let it be. You may as well; it is. Everything moves in and out at its own time. You have no control. You never did; you never will.
[exactly, it's all illusion]

(19,288 posts)A, don't push the river, message. A kind of, let go and let God, thing. No resistance.
That new prince sure has his planets lined up eh?
(2,255 posts)once I wrote this, "the hardest part of life should be the easiest. Just letting it be" also, there is a nice IChing online reading sight, which has been very thought provoking and mind-web clearing.
(138,474 posts)Owner/landlord bringing me lease for this place in the morning, I'll likely move in September!
(6,504 posts)This is a gorgeous place- I am so so happy for you!
(138,474 posts)Really looking forward! LOTS to accomplish before I move in, but that's life, eh?
(3,747 posts)and the location sounds perfect. Close and yet far enough. Sanctuary at home is so important.
(8,423 posts)At its own time.
magical thyme
(14,881 posts)Thanks, Rick.
Perfect timing. The Archdruid went off on a tangent into Druidry this week. Talks about how "eternal" means "outside of time" and how our perception is sequential, but an eternal being would see everything in the now. It's already happened. We think we are making choices, but they were already made and have already happened...
(3,508 posts)but literally an exercise in futility. What's almost as irritating is that I had to get all new shorts this summer since almost nothing fits, and the next size up is a little too big, but comfortable. & I got them for $3 or 4 bucks each at a thrift store!
So I'm just trying to see the weight gain as just an inconvenience, and as long as I keep active and eat healthy, that is what matters. When I was a teen I had major control issues and starved myself into oblivion, but learned a lot about myself in the process.
I figure all those hours of therapy and writing shouldn't go to waste, and maybe was setting a foundation to prepare me for this next stage of life.
Thank you so much for this, I was struggling with my feelings after a friend just pointed out a few hours ago that I had gained weight. Like I was just oblivious to that fact.
Now I'm inspired to do some writing!