tRump back to hospital?
2 psychics seeing him going to a facility.
My chart for Monday may be referencing that.

(108,112 posts)and am reading more for casual curiosity than anything else, I do find your posts fascinating.
Keep it up, bobnicewander!
(13,846 posts)If I wasn't so busy working I would be picking up learing Astrology....Covid-19 has my job busy./ Nurse.
(307,940 posts)I don't do charts but I've been paying attention to it since 1981.. It's like therapy for me.
(3,911 posts)FarPoint
(13,846 posts)The steroids.. dexamethasone....this drug inhibits the exaggerating autoimmune response seen in covid-19 ....Trump was hacking up furballs last night during telephone interview with Hannity. Rumor has it he finished all meds/ steroids, Rendisivir, antibodies. .so...I see a resurgence. I said he won't make it to the debate without another COVID crisis...
I say...let his go on the Campaign Trail...See him crash on stage....My thoughts...
It is clinically difficult to look at the big picture, the virus sequalae as we don't know when his symptoms actually appeared...So many lies,...
(30,529 posts)who died on camera from COVID. I can't imagine the trauma that created in those little kids. This happened in Europe.
(13,846 posts)Last edited Sat Oct 10, 2020, 02:15 AM - Edit history (1)
I don't see this as a good outcome for tRump....Plus, Chris Christy is still in hospital and that is a very bad sign!
(307,940 posts)

(30,529 posts)I can't imagine why the teacher didn't say, I can't do this today.
(307,940 posts)it changed so fast from when she went to work to passing away right on camera?
One can think they're able to work and the trumpVirus has other ideas.
(30,529 posts)or didn't take the virus seriously. I think she should have called in sick and stayed in bed. Very tragic ending for her life.
(13,846 posts)I have a co-worker/ RN who is in ICU/ Cincinnati now on a ventilator....age, 49.....suspected exposure 9/17/2020....felt fine for 8-9 days...then felt malaise, maybe a little SOB but history of asthma...then on day 10/ got tested for covid-19/ PCR, day 11, positive...went to ER day 12 as her oxygen saturation suddenly dropped into high 70's...which is bad...and on a ventilator day 13....
Still in critical condition...
(30,529 posts)thanks for that information. I hope your friend gets well.
(50,435 posts)his excuse will be that "I like the food there."
(95,721 posts)I told everyone to expect the unexpected, for the entire year at least. We still have lots of "stuff" coming before it's over. Whatever happens to this guy is going to be yuge.
What I'm curious about is what the chart for the US, 7/4/1776 with election day or inauguration day. That might be really informative. I'm an intuitive astrologer, I don't seem to need to to a lot of the math, it goes by too fast when the information comes to my inner movie screen.
Tomorrow will be interesting as well as the 31st. The suspense is killing me.
(24,268 posts)I was hoping youd check in here. I remember you saying that we should expect the unexpected for the foreseeable future. That has certainly turned out to be true. While Im fairly new to astrology, I find these posts helpful in that I too get flashes of thoughts, feelings and images that very often correlate to Bobs charts when I compare my actual experience to his work. Ive learned so much here.
The 31st is shaping up to be something else, for sure. Im glad it is a Saturday so that I dont have to be distracted with work.
(95,721 posts)It's a blue moon and it's the Hunter Moon so there's a lot in there along with planets ending their retrograde cycles, some already happened in the past couple weeks. I started understanding how astrology works a long time ago when I encountered a very good astrologer who created his own system of teaching it to regular folks. The one with the Cosmic Kalendar.
So also be aware that the election might be in an uproar work a week. I have been telling my friends to just know what they are voting for and make sure that they do and keep out of the fray.
Anyway, I had house guest earlier this week so I had a lot of precautions to prepare for and carry through so I have a lot to catch up on. So I'm off to the headlines for a spell.