Discover Your Psychic Type
I checked a book out of the library--actually had them order it for me--which is the title in the subject heading. I read another book by this author (Sherrie Dillard) and she is on target with my experience. The other book I purchased as an ebook and the title is I'm Still With You.
Link provided so you can read the "Look Inside," which is very good, IMO.
What I think most people on this forum would find of interest from the Psychic Type book is that there are four psychic types, and you can discover which one you are by taking a profile, which is in the book. They are:
After the profile, she has a chapter on each one.
When I read the chapter on my type (mental), it explained so much. This really helped me because this type gets messages in the mind. So often I get communications running through my mind and I know these thoughts are not mine. It's not something I would think; it's uncharacteristic of me. This book has confirmed for me that these thoughts are psychic messages coming in. Sometimes they are communications from someone on the other side, which ventures from psychic into being a medium.
Other psychic types would get the message in another way. For example, a spiritual type would get the message by entering a hypnotic state. The example cited was Edward Cayce.
Here is how she explains how emotional intuitives get messages: "Many emotional intuitives, for example, will feel a strong sense of sadness, anxiety, or fear prior to a tragic world event."
I recall that after 9/11, there were news stories of people who described these feelings of anxiety, fear, and sadness prior to the event.
Above I have mentioned three types; the final type is the physical psychic. "Physical intuitives are often highly kinesthetic and they offer healing through direct energetic connections that bypass thought and emotion."
She goes on to say that this type often becomes "adept at hands-on healing, acupuncture, chiropractic, and traditional and herbal medicine.
Prior to reading this book, I had no idea there were types of psychics. After reading it, I now know getting information in certain ways is also experienced by others. In a culture that rarely talks about this sort of thing, the observations in this book can be a touchstone.

(95,721 posts)I have to ask though, does she discuss people who experience all of those but at different times? I don't think that someone who experiences one type is able to only experience/use that method (for lack of a better term).
(63,519 posts)Fascinating!
Silver Gaia
(5,018 posts)I'm curious because my grandmother had that and my daughter has it. It skipped me. I think I'm more the emotional type, according to these descriptions. Thanks!
(63,519 posts)Ty for sharing with us, Cher!