More on Mercury retrograde -- a coping strategy : )
Hellooooo everyone!
Since it seems there is interest in discussing Mercury's current retrograde, I thought some might appreciate this recent post from my blog. Hope it helps!
In the language of astrology, Mercury refers to how we need to think and communicate. It refers to all methods of transmitting information (letters, computers, speech, etc.), and transportation (postal routes, highways, etc.). In Roman times, Mercury was associated with commerce (mercantile, merchants, merchandise), and thus in the language of astrology, Mercury refers to the negotiation and signing of contracts.
Mercury turns retrograde at 2:09 AM ET on December 13th. It turns direct at 10:07 PM ET on January 1st, 2024.
When Mercury turns retrograde, it will appear to move backwards in the sky. Its not really moving backwards, but that is how it looks from our perspective here on Spaceship Earth.
General coping strategies for Mercury retrogrades:
Contrary to popular belief, Mercury retrograde is no reason to freak out. Mercury retrograde gets a bad rap because we are geared, in this crazy modern age, to always be thinking, doing, moving FORWARD. You know what that gets you? BURN OUT. We need our down times, and Mercury retrograde is a perfect time to give our minds a rest. Why else would your computer, phone and/or car choose THIS time to malfunction? Because you are supposed to be slowing down. And as you slow down, it is vitally important that you FOCUS.
When Mercury is retrograde, be prepared for travel delays, scheduling screw-ups, labor strikes, computer crashes, having to repeat what youve just said, misunderstandings, the past coming back for a second look, surprise reunions and having to repeat what you just said. Use your FOCUS and double-check important details, like whether the restaurant youve chosen for a meet-up is still in business
or booked for a commercial shoot or a private party all of which has happened to me during a Mercury retrograde!
If you are looking for a job, Mercury retrogrades are a perfect time to reach out to people from your past. REVIEW your address book and RECONNECT. Trust that your contacts will be happy to hear from you. However, do not be frustrated if your target is away on vacation or keeps rescheduling meetings. Also, triple-check your emails and resumes before you hit send, as there is a higher probability of typos and other sloppy snafus.
In your business, make sure all communications sent have actually been received and are clearly understood. Be mindful of the higher potential for communications equipment to go on the fritz. MAKE SURE YOUR FILES ARE BACKED UP! Also be aware of a higher than average probability for delays in shipping and travel arrangements. For this you will need an extra dose of patience and planning. Example: ship your holiday gifts before December 13th!!
You may find it profitable to REview a project from the past. Maybe you shelved it then, but now is the time to REconsider. However, be advised that a spontaneously, out-of-the-blue idea for advancement may not be so sound when Mercury turns direct. This is why the conventional wisdom advises against finalizing and/or signing contracts on deals during Mercury retrograde. An exception might be supported if you are REnegotiating or RElocating. If you absolutely must close a deal, triple check everything. The key is not to RUSH.
This is a good time to schedule a corporate REtreat. Any activity that affords the opportunity to REview past performance is encouraged. REsearch on a new strategy is also favored.
Mercury retrogrades are not favored for launching a new website or a new communications system. There is a higher than average probability of technical glitches and confusion. REvisions, however, are A-OK.
In general, adopt a playful attitude of flexibility to whatever twists you encounter, especially if youre in transit. Avoid making major purchases (especially electronic ones), unless your A/C unit has died and theres a heat wave. Sometimes you just have to buy an appliance, Mercury retrograde or not. This is life. Dont sweat the small stuff.
Dont believe everything you hear or read in the papers when Mercury is retrograde. Rumors have a higher probability of spreading. Avoid losing patience thats a big one.
When in doubt, be silent!
Do plan on RElaxing, REviewing, REsearching, REorganizing, REgenerating, REconnecting and REcreating.
Mercury turns retrograde at 8 degrees of Capricorn, which is where it turned direct on January 18th! Sounds like the Sabian Symbol for this degree would be good to know about, as it is clearly demanding our focus twice in one year! It is an angel carrying a harp. Astrologer James Burgess opines that this Symbol calls our attention to being attuned. What channel are you listening to or watching? A heavenly angel or a rapacious harpy? Whos stringing us along, defining whats what, hmm? Astrologer Blain Bovee advises us to be aware of the challenge of innocently reaching into realms of powerful potentials; of discriminating between sublime messages and pointed barbs.
Look back to what was going on around January 18, 2023, and see how themes of tuning in may be recalled now
and again around January 30, 2024 (when Mercury will be back at 8 Capricorn). You are more personally affected by this Mercury retrograde if you have planets or angles around 8 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn.

(15,877 posts)Thanks.
(5,011 posts)WhiteTara
(30,527 posts)I don't know that I can bear the weight of last January again.
(54 posts)In the language of astrology, Mercury doesn't generally suggest weightiness. If there was something heavy happening for you in January 2023, a skilled astrologer would be able to spot that pattern and see how it's developed since then.
One positive potential of Mercury returning to where it was in Jan 2023 is that you may have a revised/renewed perspective on the heaviness you experienced -- perhaps of a healing nature, so that chapter in your life can be peacefully closed.
To all Muggles reading this: take general astrological guidelines with a grain of salt. If you really want to know what planetary patterns suggest in your own personal world, consult with a trained professional about your unique horoscope.
(30,527 posts)with little or no leavening. My beloved did not die, but the physical cost was enormous for me.
(12,183 posts)
(30,527 posts)patphil
(7,471 posts)2 were because I purchased the wrong thing, and one was because of a duplicate shipment.
Note: Mercury's sign is Gemini...the twins.
(95,713 posts)
(12,183 posts)That is a key thing to remember - always! Thank you for sharing this.
(307,926 posts)This Merc RX has been especially hard. I have 6 Planets in Gemini and Virgo and a Rising Sign thats in Virgo.
An Astrologer who writes for Llewelyn Daily Planetary Guide, Jim Shawvan, teaches that before and after Mercury goes RX and goes Direct theres a period called the Storm where it acts like Mercury RX. This one is to be Ovet on January 7th.
Ive discovered it works for me. I used to call them parting shots from Mercury