tRump Apr-May T Plu Sta Op P N Sat Chart
Last edited Sun Mar 17, 2024, 07:38 AM - Edit history (3)
"All astrology predictions or proposed explanations of referenced planetary positions with those in a horoscope at the time of an experience (physical or emotional) are opinions or theories. That is why I usually do not spoon feed readers with specifics but leave it to them to apply their own."
I having been saving this to see what legal events assail tRump leading up to the period between April 16 through May 15.
His progressed Saturn on Apr 16 will be at 3°33' Leo. Transiting Pluto will be at 2°02' Aquarius - a tight opposition (1.5 degreees).
His progressed Saturn on May 15 will be at 3°33' Leo. Transiting Pluto will be at 2°04' Aquarius (still a tight opposition), having stationed at 2°06' Aquarius on May 2nd.
Though not exact, it is the station opposition aspect to his progressed Saturn for a long duration (every day for a month) that may spell doom for him.
Pluto - massive, severe
Saturn - setback, loss

(7,080 posts)Keep it coming!
(95,919 posts)Also, Saturn - "bean counter" "time keeper".
(5,073 posts)Sounds like there might be a period of time for some accountability for him. If so, that does my heart good!
(5,034 posts)moonbeam23
(377 posts)Ouch!!