Mary Ann reading "Trump's medical issue? NY sentence, House, ME & MPox controlled"
?feature=shared"Trump's medical issue? NY sentence, House, ME & MPox controlled"
Dump's slurring of words in "interview" with muskrat (no offense to our planetary 4-footed neighbors intended).
Mary Ann sees Dems holding the Senate! Woo Hoo!
WHO response to Mpox in African nations. They are not sure how it's being transmitted.
She doesn't think he has the ability to fake his slurred speech. She sees cognitive decline. Yet, she sees support & the Magician, indicating manipulation. Truth emerging. He may need some sort of support, she contends. She clairvoyantly saw a person performing a medical intervention on him, a procedure on him and she states people close to him know about this condition, whatever it is. She can't tell how far in the past this incident occurred, but this could be why he's not out campaigning. This is not a treatment for the "assassination attempt" this is something to do with his brain. In the immediate future, 4 of Swords shows up -- "the illness card," showing him stepping back. 1 female & 1 male around him, Balance issues. "Manipulation going on - we're not seeing the full truth around his health issues." Potential for his complete downfall. All yes cards in answer to the question "does dump have dementia?" "He might be oblivious to some degree as to what is happening." People around him consulting - keeping him - his doctors / campaign team - he has some cognitive decline. Decision has to be made. Home, family. It's at a tipping point with him. 2 people waiting in the wings. Base: 5 pentacles. Being locked out. Paranoia. Deal being made. Some kind of new start or plan. Disturbing underlying condition that has manifested in medical intervention in the past. They know about it. not the aattempt on his life. Something to do with his brain. They're just trying to get him through it. Doesn't look like it's going to work. Difficult decision might need to be made. Anything can and might happen. They will try & restrict him in some way.
She then read with the Kipper deck (not tarot) & saw that it was over before it started & messages from distant horizons. Imprisonment showed in "current" timeframe line. Could be him off the campaign trail. Future: Community (MAGA) devotion, bad health, and following bad health the law (male figure). A wealthy man & gift (Donors). Maybe paid to call it quits. Somebody supporting him with a great deal of money. 9 of swords (anxiety) & devil card at base of pack when she drew clarifiers. Divisions within his own party that want him gone. he could be betrayed. "He may not even make it to the election. It is possible." Definitely a medical issue going on with him.
Sentenced to prison in NY? She can't shake the medical procedure he had in past. He will be fined, capped at a certain level. Judge is weighing options. Whether he imposes a hefty monetary fine. 5 swords. Gag. Justice in the past. Ace wands. Heirophant (court) fairly significant sentencing. Even on appeal, likely won't be overturned. Isolation. Home detention? Page pentacles. Fool card. 3 swords (heartbreak). Sentence will be significant. 10 wands. He is not expecting. A bit more hefty than what people are expecting. Non-custodial sentence. High priestess, clarity, truth, knight cups, wish fulfillment. Offer made. Lies & deceit, 7 pentacles, 2 cups - the deal. Chariot. Something unexpected. Home detention thing. Something that shocks us. It will be a sentence we are not expecting. Not convinced it's prison.
House: Ace Swords, still conflicted. Likely court battles. Outcome: Ace cups. Injustice. I am convinced they will take the House, not by much. Some really rocky __________, a lot of court involvement. Ultimately, Democrats prevail. Clearer outcome than I have seen. Rocky, rocky path before we get there. Certification issue. New House presides over certification.
Ukraine taking territory in russia will help to end war.
Middle East - New starts. Somebody has to step in. Volatility. Complete & utter abuse that is going on. Hanged man in hopes & fears. Some kind of surprise element here. Clarity & new starts. Seems a breakthrough coming, one we are not expecting.
Mpox: Will it spread from Africa to other countries and get out of control? She does not see it spreading. Response by WHO incoming. Money to tackle this. More help for Africa to get virus under control.

(5,034 posts)I was listening anyway & I type almost as fast as people talk... so...
I know there are folks who are either hard of hearing or unable to play videos at work, etc., so I thought it best to do a loose transcription on it.
Clouds Passing
(4,006 posts)Thanks for posting
(64,186 posts)She really is outstanding!
Deep State Witch
(11,640 posts)I haven't had time to listen to this latest one.
(64,186 posts)Something weird is going on with this post. I posted it hours ago, but it popped up twice. (Not sure what causes that.) So I deleted one and they both disappeared. So I retyped what I could remember & posted. Came up twice again. Maybe I just shouldn't bother trying to make posts in DU.
(31,745 posts)SheltieLover
(64,186 posts)
(108,339 posts)I don't know anything about Mary Anne or the techniques she uses, but I'm interested in what she has to say! Thanks for the transcript!
And hang around SheltieLover. You've been missed.