MA new reading - Walz/Couchfucker / Debbie Powell vs Rick Scott / rump's sanity
As Mary Ann always says, "for entertainment purposes only."
"Is Tim Walz going to win the debate against JD Vance?"
Moon - Volatility - going to raise things that are nasty. Vance is going to go on and on. Then we get Justice.
So there is a righteous part here and so I think JD Vance will go after Walz again, again, on the things that he has been -- you've heard it all so I don't need to repeat it.
But we get the balancing of the scales here.
Queen of Swords - logic & women. The women's vote, Walz is doing very well with them.
Queen Wands - Harris in the past.
Temperance and moderation. So I like this.
King Swords - Logic.
That could even be vance as well. But it seems to be moderation. Could even be a stalemate. There might not be a winner.
Hanged Man -
Knight Pentacles - But we get consistency.
So the environment around this is they both do well for various reasons but vance plays dirty and that puts him below and that gives Walz a chance to come through with his lovely sensibility and moderation. (She holds up the Temperance card.)
8 Wands - Hopes & Fears we get restriction and paranoia.
Emperor card. I asked will he (Wlaz) win. Looks like he is.
Page Cups - And it's almost like there's young people -- he somehow pulls a rabbit out of the hat.
3 Wands - Waiting for one's ship to come in.
Very strong yes cards.
High Priestess - Now, be aware, that jd vance may bring something out in a very nasty way.
Sun card.
10 Wands
But, this has got the High Priestess here. Ultimately, Walz comes back through.
The debate could get quite nasty. vance might trade some really low blows. But I think Walz ultimately overcomes that -- and he has in a way - he has Justice on his side. Whereas, we know what vance has done so far in the campaign. So I'm going to say Walz gets on top of vance in this debate.
OK. Rick Scott & Debbie Powell - let's have a look.
"FL is in play. I saw that weeks ago, maybee a month ago. Debbie Powell, can you beat Rick Scott to become the next FL Senator?"
Queen Wands - nice! I don't know what star sign Debbie is. (I looked her up. She was born Jan. 18, 1971, so she's a Capricorn.) But that's fire energy.
We have the King of Wands here. (Rick Scott is reportedly Sag.)
So lawmakers. Womna lawmaker.
Page of Wands -- a lot of fire energy here. A lot of fire energy here.
3 Cups in the past. That's support. Circles of support. Perhaps Debbie has more support than what we think she does.
Princess Cups in the sky. This is a really feminine type of energy. BRAVE feminine energy.
8 Coins in the near future so that's skill. Feminine energy - I don't know much about Debbie. but I'm just seeing a lot of passion, motivation, a lot of fire energy and a lot of support for her.
4 Coins in the here and now. So that can be money issues. Can be -- I mean Rick Scott is very wealthy -- I'm not sure how they compare in their campaign donations. Can be the economy as well. It's SUN BACK IN CAPRICORN -- it's that kind of money. Speaks loudly of money.
5 of Cups - That's in the here and now.
Have people written her off? (I've never heard of her personally, but that doesn't mean much.) In terms of she's not going to win? I'm not so sure about that!
7 Wands - Standing and defending herself in the hopes & fears and we get the Ace of Swords.
Potentially, she can.
3 Swords though. Which is heartbreak.
Knight Cups - An offer of some kind.
Fool - So I'm getting 3 yesses and 1 no.
Base of pack - 9 Wands - might be too early to tell. I don't know. It's something -- does she have a good last iteration here? Does she finish strongly in this campaign? Because it looks like there is a truce here. There is a truce that she can articulate very well. Or is articulating really well.
"Will she win against Rick Scott?"
Empress - See, again, feminine energy.
3 Coins - and...
4 Cups. OK.
It's going to be very close. The Empress card is a season of time. So you won't know for a while. It's a very close race.
7 Swords - Disappointment, lies, and deceit.
Ace Coins - Something around money here.
Ace Wands - There is newness here.
Look, she has a really solid chance of winning. And it's like she finishes really strong. Like she's been sort of piled upon by Scott and his minions and it looks like she's not doing well but she actually is. (Said with a question mark at the end.)
Anyway, it's quite possible that she will, I'll follow that one up a bit later on.
One last one - a few cards for the rump campaign.
"Will rrump make it to the election?"
"He seems to be going downhill very quickly."
"He has health issues. Will rump make it to the election?"
"I'm seeing a dart board. It's not on the bulls eye."
High Priestess - Secrets - something that we don't know about.
Hermit - Isolation, introspection, review
King Swords - that's prosecution
5 Wands in the past, which is obviously the partisanship, the tug-o-war, the division in US politics.
4 Cups - disappointment.
10 Wands - he's struggling. That's Saturn in Sag energy.
2 Coins - he really is struggling
Knight Swords - It's too much truth. There is so much coming at him. Its like a wave of truth is continually hitting him.
Devil card in hopes & fears. It is a spiral downwards. Ooooh, it's Pluto, when Pluto goes back into Capricorn, a whole bunch of truth emerges,
2 Wands - Then we get something coming to fruition in time.
Moon card - Lunacy and remember, it's a cognitive decline.
Hanged Man - Suspending something
7 Cups - Illusion and dillusion
7 Wands - Defending himself
This is unclear.
They're bad cards. Disappointment. It's like he's losing all the time. (She's shuffling and 4 cups popped out and she held it up.) It's like he's just going down, and down, and down. The something coming to fruition in time is madness. Illusion.
"Does he make it to the election? Can you confirm that?"
She does not show the cards for this last part.
Temperance and moderation.
Things moving too quickly. The Star card - and the Queen of Swords. Look, there's women. OK. I think he does, but I think the closer we get to the election, the more, it's like a lunacy. It's like a madness emerges. I asked and this is what I got. (She holds up 2 Wands & Moon.) Something coming to fruition in time and the Moon. It's like madness.
Yeah, let's just say when he - yeah, he - his sanity, (she points index finger down), it's just like a spiral downward.
On Edit: There is much more at the beginning of the reading, I just had time to watch and txcribe the ending.

(13,867 posts)She is so sharp/insightful ....I can see this playing out....Lets bookmark and check after the election...
(64,188 posts)I've been watching her for at least a few years and she's nearly always correct. Nobody is perfect, but she's darn close. LOL
There's something weird about the Debbie Powell portion. Can't put my finger on it.
But great idea to bookmark and check after the election.
(10,453 posts)
(64,188 posts)You rock as well. LOL
I know we have several community members who are hard of hearing and, between Mary Ann's Aussie accent and the transcriber, well, it can be difficult to discern. I type almost as fast as she talks, so it's easy enough.
I've not had the time to watch the rest of the reading. There is a lot more earlier on in the reading.
(10,453 posts)That voice-to-text transcription does make a mash of Mary Ann's Australian English!!
(64,188 posts)You ae such a good upright can opener!
Yes, it does make a mess of her Aussie accent. I'm going on vaca tomorrow for a few days, so I'll try to watch the rest if I can find time and post a txcript then. But, of course, by then, MA will have posted a new video.
(10,453 posts)

Rolling now towards Chicago. OMFG! Real food!
Clouds Passing
(4,009 posts)I wonder if some of Dumps word salads and such are an act to attract people who are crazy and the crazy makers. The GQP is loaded with crazy makers so I would expect the lunacy and the gaslighting to increase exponentially.
(64,188 posts)So yes, it's 2-fold because his racist word salad also attracts crazies and incites them.
I detest weirdo & beardo.
(646 posts)ultimately go Walzs way, and I believe she was right. Walz started out a bit slow but got his groove and Vance was stronger than Trump but also whined a bit and lied. Walz ended very strong with the J6 reminder and the Non Answer that Vance gave about 2020.
(64,188 posts)I didn't watch it, but that appears to be the general consensus.
The media will likely fawn over beardo. barf
Yes, MA is nearly always correct. I honestly cannot think of a time when she was wrong, but there must be some examples.