Astrology question re: our country's Natal Chart and current/upcoming transits...
I know there might be some question as to when exactly was the "birth" of our I leave that to your discretion. I am an amateur at best, and understanding transits is still barely in my understanding, so bear with me as I try to phrase this...
So, according to history and sociology, most "Empires" fall or begin to crumble by the 250 year mark. I think we're at year 248 presently.
AND the shift to the "Age of Aquarius" literally *just* happened, and considering Pluto has such a long orbit, I think it's there till 2043 (that was the best google search answer I got), 19 years.
Are we looking at nearly 20 years of "darkness"...hmmm...seems odd considering Aquarius is supposed to be a planet of enlightenment and advancement.
BUT - how does that transit work when overlaid with our Nation's chart?
ALSO... since it is a "longer" transit, it could be a little bumpy for a couple years until the energies level out, right?
So, I guess my question is what does it *really* look like in terms of the big picture? Are we going to have another "Revolution...? Will we be seeing people fighting for their rights or will they just roll over? Is our "Grand Experiment" truly over, or is it just time to buckle up and get ready to fight for Liberty again?
Specifically, I'd be interested to see if 2025-26 are gonna be the big shakeups, or is it gonna be closer to 2028?
I know it's a lot to ask, and there's a TON of room for individual interpretation. But I had an inkling this morning that it ain't over till it's over, and we might be seeing some bigger changes afoot than we can even imagine...
Anyone up for taking a whack at this?

Deep State Witch
(11,623 posts)Whenever there's an outer planet transit like this, there's still a lot of lingering energy from the previous sign. At least, that's what people who are smarter at astrology than I am claim. I mostly do natal astrology, not political. I follow Revealing Light, though. She's really good with political astrology.
(14,635 posts)but the question is how long does it linger? If a transit is 19 years, then I'm assuming the effects of Capricorn will dissapate within the first year or 18's all about the degrees, and that's where my math illiteracy messes me up lol
(8,224 posts)Check out Steve Judd for really sane mundane interpretations.
Understand that just because a planet changes sign, it's not like pushing a button on a computer screen and suddenly the whole scene changes.
What went on 248 years ago IS having its "return" but the surrounding planets in their transits were in different places.
Andre Kahr (another sane mundane astrologer) a few videos ago was talking about bearing in mind that astrology gives you an idea of which way the wind is blowing, tack your course accordingly. It is not predictive.
Nicholas Campion (another great mundane astrologer) once wrote about astrology not being predictive, and he said, even as far as we have come (I think he wrote this ca. 2000), given all we know, we still can't tell you if you are going to have a nervous breakdown or if your pipes are going to burst.
Re the birth of our country, most use the date of the Declaration of Independence, but there is no time -- however, consider the thought that Benjamin Franklin was present at the signing, and BF HAD to be an astrologer (or else know it awfully well) because he was the publisher of The Farmer's Almanac (which is based on astrology) -- BF was there but did not note the time of signing -- consider the possibilities of WHY he didn't make this known? (Example: I'm a musician. When I played a celebrity wedding, I would note the time of the "I do" to pass along the info to (my friend) Lois Rodden (Astrodatabank person.))
I also like Pam Gregory, Frederick Woodruff.
Given all the above, it's a very profound time astrologically and no one who knows anything (astrologically) and is in their right mind would tell you "it WILL happen like ..." -- but as I said, Steve Judd gives me the most concise info, and Andre Kahr.
(14,635 posts)I know it's all up to change and chance...just wondered if anyone here had the chops to take a quick look and see if they saw anythng that "stuck out" ...
I guess I'll have to go hunting elsewhere for input. Thought we had some resident astrologers here...
(95,712 posts)I would say that both you and poster #1 have a part of it right, I may have another part to add.
I'm only going to address the Pluto thing.
Pluto just re-entered Aquarius this past week and will stay there for some twenty-ish years give or take. When Pluto become activated, like entering a new sign, it brings attention to everything Pluto represents through the lens of the sign it enters with some residue from the one it's leaving. Pluto represents death and rebirth, the life cycle completed/"permanent" change. This applies to everyone on a global level and a personal level.
What I see as the main point about the transition is that it begins a "time of comeuppance" while also one of seeking balance in all things. This could be our species' last chance to make the corrections we've been avoiding for centuries. We'll lose a lot of people and other species but we could make it if we heed the warning signs that are bashing us over the head.
For the country, this could be where we, as a country and perhaps other nations will experience the same, can purge the corruption and finally correct the path we're currently on. Purging is a feature of Pluto's influence so expect it on many levels, what we decide to purge will be telling.
This is not exclusive interpretation but could add to the mix.
(14,635 posts)as a student of Anthropology, believe me I have been studying the ancient cycles of civilizations and how they not only "warred" themselves to death, but they comitted ecocide as well...
we're not gonna get through this without some big bumps and losses, I feel that too.
and maybe my question is more about the planet and our civilization as a whole rather than a specific country. good point...
The bigger the planet's orbit...the bigger the scope and wider the lens needs to be.
Thanks for helping me with that perspective shift as well
(95,712 posts)I studied Anthro in college, I went with culture and linguistics. But that was decades after I started studying Astrology. It was helpful in ways that you suggest.
(14,635 posts)More like proto language. The symbols of the circle and the cross and the medicine wheel are all over the planet and I really want to study that as like a collective consciousness thing 😊
(95,712 posts)Pretty cool. Worth investigating.
I found, in my travels, that many tribal groups' original music sounds very much the same, some of the instruments are very similar even when made from different source materials.
(14,635 posts)The more I learn about ancient cultures and anthropology etc the more I just despise the whole concept of racism