So I got the job
Woo hoo...I'll start later this pay for three weeks but I can hang on a bit longer.
Thanks for all the good vibeage from all you good peeps.
The funny thing, the day I interviewed for this job (first interview after MONTHS of sending out resumes and filling out applications) a friend called and wanted me to take this other position she had to turn down. She was recommending me for the executive chef position. Wish I could send you a link to this place but for security's sake I can't.
It's an awesome restaurant in a beautiful historic building, but it would mean 6-day weeks of 12+ hour days and I was groaning just thinking about it. Then I found out the place is over 50 miles away so I had to reluctantly turn down that awesome opportunity. Now I will be working a temporary job with nice little nursery plants and shrubs that don't complain or talk back lol
But it feels so nice to feel wanted, doesn't it?

Good mojo forward to all who are seeking new or better employment

(3,794 posts)Way to go!
(18,186 posts)I was afraid I'd never hear back once I interviewed. I feel a lot of relief right now

magical thyme
(14,881 posts)and best of luck in your new job! Hopefully the temp gig will lead to permanent, if that is what you want and need.
(18,186 posts)I am also going to do a FAFSA and get back in school for something. It's time to challenge myself a bit.
But this gig is a nice steady little something to keep the wolves at bay until I sell a screenplay or write that hit song

Thanks for your good wishes!

(23,648 posts)Working with plants and shrubs that don't complain or talk back.
(18,186 posts)This is a family joke.
As we walked across the parking lot to go shopping one day, I asked my youngest to keep me OUT of the garden center at the big box store.
But then I saw the table of marked down geraniums. I started heading for them like they were brains.
"Mom! Mom! You said not to let you go in there!"
"I know. I just want one little geranium. Just one..."
"Well, okay.. but just ONE."
I get two, and my son grabs one of them and holds it in front of my face and says "Follow the geranium...follow the geranium." All through the store.
Whenever I get distracted now, that's what he says.
I love being around plants any time, but especially in spring.

(8,423 posts)

(18,186 posts)I need some real work to pay for all my hobbies.
and I was thinking today, I've had six months not working a "real" job and this place is STILL a mess!!

(8,423 posts)I'm not sure if you are male or female, but remember this: Only boring women have totally clean houses!
(29,414 posts)

Is this a commercial nursery, like for landscaping services, or a retail one? Just trying to gauge the size of the operation

I just got a call-back from a recruiter working on getting me employed, too. I now have an interview (for a pipeline mapping position) on Thursday morning at a much higher rate than I'm used to, as well

(4,225 posts)Thats Wonderful news!!! I just know you are a shoe in!
(18,186 posts)higher rates are always good! Keep us posted....

And this is a large supplier nursery, multi state operation.
(4,225 posts)Congratulations Tsiyu! Thats great news!!!! Hey 2012 is already lookin up!
(18,186 posts)I've been wondering when something would break.
BTW, I have one of your babies done, two more to go. I am enjoying the in depth look at puggies.

(4,225 posts)I promise. You are going to get more oppurtunities too! This is the year for you to write that hit song or paint that Picture that will make you famous!
The sky is the limit in 2012.
LOL! Ahhhhhhh The contemplation of Puggness......A very worthy spiritual endeaver.
(18,186 posts)Those soulful eyes just pull you
I hope your prediction is "right as rain" as they say around here.

(4,225 posts)Every mom .loves to hear about how cute the kids are! LOL!
Trust me its going to be a year for the record books REALLY GOOD STUFF COMING!
(15,812 posts)And that things are looking up!
(18,186 posts)I hope 2012 is awesome for you as well.

Sanity Claws
(22,129 posts)all the best to you in your new job!
(18,186 posts)I think I will really enjoy it. I'll be doing a lot of different tasks, outdoors, indoors, and not chained to a stove or a desk. Plus I'll be near plants all spring and in garden centers when all the good stuff rolls in. I'll have to be careful not to sepnd all my pay on plants.

(1,798 posts)
(18,186 posts)
I started officially this week and I think I will really like this employment. Met another person I will be working with sometimes, and she is really cool. Mostly I will be working independently after training, and I love that aspect of the job.
A good Sunday and week to you!