~ * * * * * ~ The 21st Century 'ASAH Marketplace' Thread ~ * * * * * ~
Last edited Wed Apr 18, 2012, 08:26 PM - Edit history (1)
I think it's best that we "reincarnate" this thread from the holiday version pinned above. Hopefully, this one will garner enough attention to be pinned as well (then I'll edit out this part and any others
As posted originally by I Have A Dream, with some edits by me:
(We have also received permission to do this throughout the year, so after the holidays, we can start another active thread.)
Please post in this thread if you have products and/or services that you would like to make known to the people in this group. Please feel free to post images, but please try to keep them smaller so that people who have slower connections can also view the thread without too much delay.
If you are concerned about your real name being associated with your website, etc., please feel free to ask ASAH's Hosts to post the information for you.
We need to keep this thread as uncluttered as possible to make it easy for people to find what is being offered. Therefore, if you have questions or comments about anything posted, please handle them via DU private messages with the poster rather than posting them in this thread. If ASAH's Hosts posted it for the person, they can connect the person with questions with the person offering the products/services.
If you post products or services in the thread, please feel free to respond to your own post to add additional information, offerings, clarifications, etc.
Please do not feel pressured to either buy or sell. It's strictly for those who are interested.
[font color=purple]Finally, I have made the First Post for the purpose of kicking the thread. That will keep all kicks in one area to also help keep the thread uncluttered. Please respond to the First Post (Post #1) to kick the thread if you feel that it needs to be kicked.[/font]
I hope that made sense

(29,414 posts)
(4,225 posts)I will be keeping this kicked eVERY TIME I log on! LOL! Pardon my fangs!!!!
(29,414 posts)
(15,888 posts)Everybody transfer what you need from there. The thread will drop a few pages into the past!
(29,414 posts)I didn't really know who to contact. Now I do
(15,888 posts)
(1,086 posts)I was just catching up on it at the FB ASAH page. You're on it, Icy!
(21,046 posts)findrskeep
(713 posts)I would like to offer a special discount of 10% on Consciousness Coaching sessions and Psychic Readings at High Vibrational Living. This offer is good for anyone who mentions they saw the ad on DU/ASAH MarketPlace. Consciousness Coaching is a combination of a coaching session and psychic reading. We are all being triggered to release what no longer serves us. The Consciousness Coaching sessions QUICKLY identify past issues that may be holding us back, hindering us from raising our vibration. I also get information how how to release the issue and heal old emotional wounds once and for all. People always comment on how much lighter they feel after a session!
Psychic Readings cover topics such as Relationships, Life questions, Spiritual growth/guidance, Mediumship, and Dreams, among others.
Consciousness Coaching sessions or Readings may also be purchased as gifts for others. If purchased as a gift, the recipient will receive a personalized email announcing the gift and whom it is from.
(26,001 posts)I have a series of time travel books out for young readers on the march, taking in 21st century climate change, the library at Alexandria, dinosaur evolution... and more!
They've been reissued as eBooks, and the first one in the series is free...
PM if any interest, and I can pass along the links, etc...
(3,747 posts)Curved light, beautiful designs guaranteed to create the most glittering rainbows day or night.
come visit us, be our Facebook Friend and tell your friends about us. We always give a present with every order.
(23,648 posts)
Like ebay, there are often auctions with a "buy now" option. It's like ebay for good.

I think everything there at the moment was submitted by DUers, by the way.
If you have anything you'd like to add, you're more than welcome to use Wishadoo!'s marketplace to do so.
(Also, if you have an etsy or Artfire or Zazzle or similar store, you're welcome to add it in Wishadoo!'s Business Directory)

(3,747 posts)TheRainbowMakers.com free shipping in December...just type in Celebrate in the code box! Happy Holidays!
Response to kentauros (Original post)
Name removed Message auto-removed
(14,635 posts)Recently added readings and Intention Jars etc.... gonna be working on candles soon.
I'm also hoping to re-start the in-person Class and video it so I can offer it online. Still researching how to and what platform to use. I'm also going to offer subscription to email newsletters monthly or bi-weekly. I'd love to extend into Zoom meetings weekly like a "online Circle" of support and sharing.
So please visit, bookmark and come back again as I'll be updating more often!
If you are interested in a reading or other items, I also have PayPal and Venmo that I can send you a link...
#Blessed Be!
(13,104 posts)Are available from Amazon as kindle books and paperback.
Link through my Insta Bio
POST CRYPT, 8 short stories and the eco novella FAUNA
DU mail mail me with questions or more info