I've noticed something very heart related..
Whenever( meaning maybe three times in a few months), that I have found myself, saying something not flattering about someone, or projecting a possible situation(fear-based of course)..it is uncomfortable, hurts, much like a kind of correction..leading me away from acting or saying these things....it just doesn't feel ordinary anymore. It feels totally wrong, not pure, not pleasing... not in harmony...
Anyone else have that same feeling?
Perhaps it is a reminder that we are perfect and that everything is just as it should be..?
Or that we are all one so that if you hurt someone else, it hurts us all...
One beating heart???

(110 posts)Today feels much more like that, a couple of days ago I just wanted to swear a blue streak, which is kind of uncharacteristic of me.
I'm taking my fish oil to calm the frazzle.
Melissa G
(10,170 posts)Being called to a higher vibration. I hear it as out of tune.
(653 posts)It's getting easier and easier to stop the ugly talk in my head, which is making it easier and easier to spend time thinking good thoughts.
(3,794 posts)toon
You're all reporting exactly how subtle (but powerful) Neptune is!
(8,423 posts)I was wondering if it was Chiron a bit too...but wait , where is Chiron...now?
(3,794 posts)but you are reporting LOVING feelings AND ONENESS, which come from Neptune.
Neptune is at 3 Pisces 04
Chiron is at 9 Pisces 42
They are impossible to separate at this time. Just keep following them and your feelings.
Chiron is more of the "I have to jump on my horse and make this my mission and do something"
Neptune is always, "Just let it slide - It's all good."
(8,423 posts)Well that soothes, rather like a massage or a tall homemade lemonade or a sweet gesture from a child, and so many other beautiful things....
Thanks, I needed that.
Had a slight setback of something today, or maybe a forward leap depending on how you look at it, before that I was in the midst of planning something really important for me with glee, and unrelated to that, I have been a little panicky...
But I will take this reported advice...
(3,794 posts)remembering
over and over
there's nothing else we can do