Yet another source who validates what's going on astrologically & energetically
This latest post from Dana Mrkich is SO on target right now! I also got the message about a week ago that energetically we were going to have to get "down and dirty" to get at much of what's left of our emotional baggage/i.e. sludge that's holding down our vibration excavated as fast as possible as this shift quickly intensifies...this SO validates what Rick has been saying, messages that other energy readers have been getting and blogging about as well as what we personally "know" to be going on with each of us individually as well as collectively. This totally resonates. Enjoy:
Monday, August 13, 2012
All Aboard Ship 2013 No Baggage Allowed
The energy excavation bulldozers have moved in and they mean business! They are going deep down into the depths of our being to clear out any remaining stubborn, emotional gravel. You may be experiencing this as extreme heaviness, then extreme resistance, extreme anger, extreme irritability, extreme impatience, extreme frustration, extreme oh aha lightbulb moment, extreme giddy joy, extreme happiness, extreme gratitude, extreme higher perspective wisdom, followed by oh no more extreme heaviness etc etc. Its all happening, and its happening in no particular order of one emotion running into the other. All you know is that its happening, its unpredictable, the jackhammer hasnt stopped drilling in days (weeks? all year?) and you wish it would shoosh up already!! But bless Jack the jackhammer because he is under special orders from the future You that exists in 2013 and beyond: To You and all you know, its All Aboard Ship 2013 No Baggage Allowed.
Whenever we do any major renovation overhaul whether its cleaning the garage or demolishing a building, there is always plenty of dust and mess involved. Well so too we are all undergoing our renovation overhauls and likewise we are standing in the midst of plenty of our own dust and mess right now. Actually its not all dust and mess, its more Oh wow so much dust, big broom sweep, ooooh ooooh super clear super clean, I see myself clearly now, and boy do I see others clearly, oh I think Im done shift..oh no, oh no, more dust, oh really? Father stuff again? Really? Really? Okay chat to inner child, polish the mirror, okay thats better, clear again, wooooh, Im home freeee....whats that? Inner feminine wants a word? She has needs? Oh man....sorry, I mean, Oh woman!
Yep its all coming out now, thick and fast. Ready or not. In fact, so thick is this dust and mess and clearing process right now that we are alternating between not being able to see outside ourselves very clearly at all, or anything we do see is being seen through the filter of our dust and mess, and on the other hand seeing others so clearly we feel like they are literally see-through. Then again, we could be seeing them via our dust and mess filter, so we cant be sure if were really seeing them or seeing ourselves through them. Its all starting to feel like a big dream where we wake up and say Hey I dreamt there were all these people around me, but then their faces started changing, and I looked around, and everyone was me!. Strange dream huh...
In this dream thats actually your life, and in this life thats actually your dream, (dizzy yet? A LOT of people are with you if you are...literally dizzy that is), your emotions are being triggered and heightened like crazy and you may find yourself responding in a really over the top way to people and situations around you. They may not even be doing anything, but you feel theyre doing something. You think theyre doing something. Or not doing something. Or not doing enough. Either way, its really annoying you. If youre having a good day, you may have stopped yourself before letting them have it, and taken a step back to ask yourself hmmm, whats really going on here? What youll find is that they may as well not even exist because really your issue is not with them, it is with yourself. And yourself has taken a trip back from the future to trigger you via someone else not acting how you think they should, or some situation not unfolding as youd hoped it would, to get you to look at something that needs transforming asap prior to boarding the good ship 2013.
Youll probably find that its an old belief or myth youve held about yourself or reality that is not only no longer serving you, it is not compatible with where youre going and it goes under the no baggage allowed category. Just to clarify, when I say were all going somewhere and boarding a good ship, Im not talking about being saved by people from other planets or ascending up into the sky. Im talking about our vibrational move, our perspective shift, our emotional/spiritual graduation into our next phase of evolution. Were all aboard the good ship Earth and its with her that were going wherever were going as a transformed humanity. Doubting transformation at this point? Well the thing is, Earth is shifting into a higher vibration, and we all have to shift with her. Shes not really asking us if were done with the old reality yet. Were all along for the ride ready or not!
It is time to stand strong by the reality you know in your heart and cells to be true, for example I am loved, I am always supported, I do receive all that I need, good things are happening, and when you hear that pesky little voice trying to convince you otherwise it is a matter of strength and belief in some greater you to say to the doubting you, I dont believe you anymore. Its not easy and at first you probably dont even feel like you really believe that you dont believe in your doubting self anymore. Its a daily practice, that becomes habit, that gradually shifts how you feel, that translates into actions, that influences what you attract and how you perceive what you attract, and eventually you find that you do believe it. And as we all know we see what we believe.
That has never been more true than it is now, and that truth is increasing in strength by the day hence why Jack the jackhammer is being so diligent in his job. As the content of our energy bodies increases in vibration, it increases its ability to be felt by us, and to manifest in our lives as the physical equivalent. So you want to be conscious and aware of the content of your energy bodies, and you want to clear out anything that no longer belongs there. The energy excavation bulldozers are making it easy for us. As challenging as it is to be facing in your face inescapable emotions and situations, it is far more challenging to have to dig for years in the dark to try and work out what your issues might be as many of us know who spent years digging. The quicker you acknowledge whatever it is they are so obviously shovelling in front of you, the quicker they will move on and leave you with a new clear you.
For regular mini energy updates, especially Solar Flare related, Follow Dana on Facebook:
(c) Dana Mrkich 2012. Permission is granted to share this article freely on the condition that the author is credited, and the URL is included. Dana Mrkich is an Energy Intuitive, Writer, Speaker, Teacher and Author of A New Chapter and the popular Monthly Visions.
Sanity Claws
(22,053 posts)Sunday morning, I awoke from a dream and the image stayed with me.
It was a deep excavation site, like the kind you see here in New York before the building construction starts. The site was down to bedrock and there was some mention of blasting the bedrock.
It is so odd that I got this image at the same time this person wrote her column.
(3,794 posts)She's got it
(The digging part has been going on for 4.5 years)
(8,423 posts)Enjoyed this. Thanks for posting.